Page 114 of Secret Weapon

“If I wasn’t, you’d have lost the ability to father children by now.”

He cursed under his breath, and I instantly regretted my words.This kind of relationship was new to me, romance a concept I’d seen and read about but didn’t quite understand.

“That was meant to be a joke.”

Probably.I mean, if I hadn’t liked him so much, he’d definitely be missing his balls.

“I know.My fucking phone is ringing.”He fished it out of his pants pocket.“Emmy.”

Suggesting he ignore it wasn’t an option, and besides, I was curious.There had to be news.Otherwise she wouldn’t be calling this late at night, would she?

“Well, answer it.”

Alex did, and after he’d listened for a few moments, his mouth creased into a grin.

“No, I’ll tell her.We’ll be there in five.”


“What?”I asked the instant he hung up.“What happened?”

“Next month, Emmy will be dressing up as the Queen of Hearts.”