“My chat with them is at eight thirty.”
“Will you need to extend your stay again?”
“I’m not sure right now.If the acronyms show up on time, we might be able to leave.Are rooms available tonight if we need them?”
“I’ll check.But if they’re not, I have three spare bedrooms here.”
“Your hospitality is much appreciated.”
“Just make sure this person gets caught, Mrs.Black.Although if he stays in Baldwin’s Shore, our neighbourhood vigilante might step in, which wouldn’t necessarily be a bad thing.”
“You have a neighbourhood vigilante?”
“Luca nicknamed him the Bad Samaritan.”Nico chuckled.“I do believe he might think it’s me.”
Really?I didn’t, not for a minute.Not because I didn’t think Nico was capable, but because I knew exactly who the Bad Samaritan was.Darya and her fucking “decorating.”
“And is it you?”
Another laugh.“No, but sometimes when the right man loses his head, it’s tempting to send a thank-you card.”
“He decapitated somebody?”
“Not decapitated, per se.He took a man out with a sniper rifle from eight hundred yards.”
Oh, Darya had all the skills, didn’t she?
“Ouch.What else has he done?”
“Scarred a rapist for life and forced a murderer to make a full confession.”
“You want my advice?Forget the thank-you card and send chocolates.”
Nico leaned in to kiss me on the cheek, and his lips lingered for a touch too long.“I’ll have breakfast delivered to your room, Mrs.Black.”
“Statistically speaking, it’s usually the husband.Or the boyfriend.Do you know if he’s local?”
Nico had provided a meeting room for my chat with Luca, plus coffee and pastries.After three espressos, I’d switched to regular old black, a move I was now regretting because I was in desperate need of a bathroom break.
Luca shook his head apologetically.In the end, he’d come alone while the other deputy dealt with a missing goat.Baldwin’s Shore really was a hotbed of crime.
“I’m afraid I can’t comment on an ongoing investigation.”
I shrugged.Suit yourself.“Well, according to Leona, Ottie had issues with the ex, so I know where I’d start looking.Is there any news on Ottie’s condition?”
“There’s been no change overnight.”
“I guess under the circumstances, we should take that as a good sign.What about her dog?”
Now Luca smiled.“Brooke—my fiancée—spoke with the veterinarian first thing.The dog’s vitals have improved, and it should make a full recovery.”
“Thank goodness for small mercies, eh?Can Leona take care of it for a while?”
“If she can’t, Brooke’s offered.We already have one dog, and her boss won’t mind her bringing an extra mutt to work as long as it gets along with the cat.”
“Her boss is Darla, right?From the Craft Cabin?”
“Right.Did Darla seem okay yesterday?After the incident?I’ve been trying to get ahold of her this morning, but she’s not answering the phone.”