“Hence the raid in St.Petersburg.So, I ask again—where’s Ottilie Marquette?”
“At this moment?In a medically induced coma.”Oh, he hadn’t been expecting that.“And before she checked in to the hospital, she was hiding out with a friend.James, I don’t think she took the weapon.If she did, she’d either be sitting in a corner office in a Russian lab or sipping mai tais in a non-extradition country.”
“How did she end up in the coma?”
“Yesterday morning, she was beaten to within an inch of her life.Her assailant got interrupted by a dog, which gave her enough space to scream, and Ana and I happened to be nearby.”
“Why were we nearby?”
“We were waiting for Bradley to finish buying yarn.”
“And also Alex was running a half-marathon in Portland.Did you sponsor him?It was for a good cause.”
“Yes, I sponsored him.Can we stick with the subject at hand?”
“You were the one who changed it.And in answer to your next question, no, we don’t have any idea who hurt her, but they planned it.Poisoned her dog so she’d leave the property she was staying at, and in all likelihood took out a security camera three days ago in an attempt to cover their tracks.How big is the weapon?”
“The size of an AR-15, but bulkier because of the power pack.But even the batteries aren’t so big because they use new technology.”
“If it was in the studio apartment she’s been staying in, it’s not there now because someone turned the place over.I can ask the friend tomorrow, see if Ottie brought any other luggage, but she didn’t mention it.”I thought back to the room, to the upturned drawers, to the slashed cushions and the torn books.Had the culprits been faking a burglary?Or searching for something small?My money was on the latter because if the weapon had been there, why announce their presence so blatantly when all they had to do was pick it up, zip it into a suitcase, and wheel it out the front door?“You want my take on this?”
“Someone who doesn’t much like Markovich took the weapon, and for whatever reason, they need something Ottie has to make it work.That’s why they didn’t just put a bullet in her brain when they had the chance.She had cigarette burns too.Whoever got ahold of her was trying to make her talk.”
James cursed under his breath.“How bad are the injuries?Will she wake up?”
“I don’t know, but I can find out more in the morning.”
“Where are you?”
“On the West Coast.”
“I’ll arrange a team to meet you.”
“Not so fast, dude.Don’t come steaming in.Think about it—whoever wants what Ottie has tried to get it today, and they failed.Sure as shit they’ll try again, and the best chance you have of finding your marshmallow is to watch her.Discreetly.And she needs protection.”
“That can be arranged.”
“Good, but do it quietly.Don’t have the Feds land a helicopter on the roof of the fucking hospital and go running in with their guns drawn.If our suspects are staking the place out, they’ll melt back into the shadows and maybe you’ll never find them.”
“I’ll make sure they come in cars.Plain clothes.Where’s Ottilie now?”
“Coos Bay, Oregon.Someone needs to tell her parents.I believe they live in Massachusetts.”
“We’re in contact with the parents.Coos Bay?That’s south of Portland?”
“A three-hour drive.”