“Don’t forget, Rhys.” Malachi watched her. “We also have the Irina.”
“The Irina,” Ava said. “What you think I am?”
“Yes,” Malachi said. “The Irina are our other halves. And they are stronger than human women.”
Ava shrank back in her seat. “I don’t have any super-strength, Mal. I think you guys are mixed up about what I am.”
Rhys laughed. “Not like what you’re thinking. And, for the record, the more time I spend with you, the more I agree with Malachi. You give off energy like a reactor.”
“What do you mean?”
“Irina channel human energy; it’s part of their own magic. And if you think about it, you’ve probably always had an excess. Humans would have called you nervous. Anxious. A bit jumpy and irritable.”
Malachi knew from the tone of her voice that his brother had touched a nerve.
Rhys continued, “But whathumansthink is nerves or anxiety is normal for an Irina.”
“You hear the souls of the world, Ava.” Malachi tore his eyes from hers when she looked at him. “You absorb some of their energy. That’s why crowds can be so overwhelming for you. It’s inevitable.”
“Butwelove it!” Rhys said. “We need it, really. Irin are only truly powerful when we’re mated. Keeps us balanced. Healthy. Irin and Irina were created to work together.”
They stopped at a small crossing to let a herd of sheep pass over the road. Rhys waved his hand out of the car window at the shepherd and continued driving. The terrain was slowly becoming hillier. They’d left the greener landscape near the coast and were heading inland, up the ancient Anatolian plain, not far from his own birthplace near the Sakarya River. The sun was hot, and the temperature was climbing as they drove. Rhys had been driving since they’d left the city, so it would soon be Malachi’s turn. Perhaps then he could think about something other than the tempting woman next to him.
Almost as if he’d heard Malachi’s thoughts, Rhys said, “I’m going to pull over and fill up. Take a turn driving?”
“Of course.”
They stopped at a small petrol station outside Ankara, and Ava went in to use the restroom as Malachi filled up the car. Rhys came back from paying the shopkeeper, giving Ava an appreciative glance on the way back to the car. Malachi gritted his teeth as his friend approached.
“So, what’s got you all broody, Mal?”
“Don’t call me Mal.”
“Only the pretty girl gets to call you that, eh?”
“Be quiet.”
“I like it.” Rhys snickered. “She’s got your number, as the Americans say. Is that why you’re in such a foul mood?”
He narrowed his perceptive green eyes. “I thought you liked this woman. She’s intelligent. Funny. Obviously very attractive. What’s your problem?”
“She’s Irina.”
“Yes.” His friend nodded. “Hard to explain how, but she certainly bears the most common markers. That’s a good thing for you, remember?”
“But she was raised human, Rhys.”
He lowered his voice. “She was around humans all her life. She’s never… She doesn’t know about Irin relationships.”
“What in heaven’s name are you talking about?”
“I touch her, and…” He frowned. “For the first time, she feels one of her own kind. She says I help take the voices away. I can relax her. AndIfeel… well, you can imagine how I feel.”