“What?” She was indignant. “What am I supposed to think?”
“Not aliens!”
“Well, I’m glad this is so funny to you, Mal. I’m just rolling with laughter here.”
Damien said, “We are not aliens, Ms. Matheson.”
“So, what are you?” She pulled her legs up and wrapped her arms around them.
Malachi smiled and put his hand on her bare foot. “We are the Irin. The heavenly race.”
“What are you talking about?”
“Do you know history?” Damien asked. “Think about human myths and legends. Genesis. The Book of Enoch. The heroes of Greek myth. You have written about us; you just never knew the whole story. Haven’t you heard the myths of those who fell from heaven? Of their offspring?”
“Fell from heaven?” she asked. “You’re talking about… angels? Fallenangels?”
“Of course.”
Her temper snapped. “Nothing is ‘of course’ about this situation!”
Damien said, “Please calm down, Ms. Matheson. We are trying to explain.”
“But you’re talking aboutangels.”
“Actual angels. From heaven. Coming down and—and sleeping with human women?”
Malachi said, “Angels don’t sleep. But if you’re referring to sexual relations, yes. The Fallen took human women as mates.”
She turned to him. “And you’re telling me that you and your… whatever you all are would be their… what? Their sons? Is that what you’re trying to get me to believe? That you’re the sons ofangels?”
“Not only the sons.” Damien looked offended. “What would that have to do with you, then?”
She frowned. “What are you—?”
“Did you think the angels only hadsons?”
All the air left her lungs. Ava’s eyes were locked with Damien’s, but she felt Malachi reach for her.
“Ava, we are the Irin people. We are the descendants of those first children. We are the sons… anddaughtersof angels.”
“Daughters?” She looked back to Malachi as his thumb brushed her cheek. “Of angels? You must be—”
“Crazy?” he said quietly. “Is that what you think? Truly?”
“I don’t know.” She didn’t know. Their words made no sense, and yet there was no hint of deception in them. No waver in their silent voices told her to guard from harm.
Malachi asked gently, “Did the humans call you crazy, Ava?”
“Of course they did.”
She could tell the knowledge pained him, but he kept his hand on her foot. His fingers on her cheek. Gentle and constant, his touch soothed her.
Damien asked, “Malachi says you hear voices. Is that correct?”
She shrank back. “Yes.”