Maxim’s low whistle was all the response Malachi expected.

“I’d tread carefully there. Luckily, I have obtained new documents for both of you. British passports, so you’ll have no trouble traveling, but you’ll have to be quick about it. Tonight. The row of hotels by the Theodosius Cistern. Go there. I have a spare vehicle at the Antea Hotel, right across from the entrance. The cistern is closed for renovation, so that area is quiet. Your keys and documents should be waiting at the front desk by seven o’clock.”

“And if they’re not?”

“Find a room. I’m sure you two will be able to keep yourselves occupied.”

Malachi smiled when he saw Ava’s eyes flicker open. “You’d be correct.”

“You’re not nice when you gloat, brother. I have to go.”

“Wait, Maxim. Is Brage still in the city?”

“As far as I know.”

Malachi sat on the edge of the bed, and Ava leaned over his shoulder, her ear to the phone.

Maxim said, “Damien wounded him, but not seriously. He’ll be healed by tonight, if not sooner.”

“Does he still have the blade?”

“He does,” Maxim said. “Damn thing nearly hit one of my arms. I really have to go. Keep this phone with you. Tell Rhys to keep the fire burning. We’ll find him and Leo later.”

“I will.”

He hit the End Call button and tossed the phone on the bedside table, turning so that Ava was pressed against his chest. Then he lay back, taking her with him.

“You’ve got to stop wandering off after we have mind-blowing sex,” she said, snuggling into his chest.

“So… every morning then?”

She pinched his arm. “Cocky.”

“Yes.” Malachi pressed a kiss to her hair. “Did you hear Max?”

“Yes.” Her eyes widened. “Every word, actually. My hearing is super strong right now.”

“It’s super strong forever,canim.”

“And my eyes…” She looked around the dark room and frowned. “What did you do?”

He shrugged. “It’s part of the mating ritual. I gave you some of my magic. And you’ll give me yours. Eventually.”

“But until then?” Ava sat up, eyes racing over his chest. “What do you mean, you gave me your magic? Does that mean you’re not as strong?”

He reached for her cheek, but she pushed his hand away. “Ava—”

“No! Is that what it means?”

“I’m still very, very strong. We’ll be fine. Do you really doubt me?”

Her face fell, and her eyes took on a faraway look. “I can’t lose you, Mal.”

“You won’t.”

“Trusting you—trustingus—was it for me. If something happened to you—”

“Nothing will happen to me. I’m too greedy. I’ll never leave you.” He sat up and pulled her into his arms. “We’re almost there. Max has a car for us. Documents. We’ll leave the city tonight. Sleep today and leave tonight. We’ll be away before they can find us, and then we’ll be safe.” He brushed a hand over her curls, soothing her as she trembled in his arms. “Trust me, Ava. You’ll be safe.”