Rhys whipped around. “Who?”
“Him.” She pointed to the angular face on the page. “It’s him. Dr. Sadik.”
“You’re positive, Ava?”
“I’m sure! It looks just like him. Exactly.” She looked at the other pictures on the page. Even though she couldn’t read the writing, it was clearly an extensive entry. “You’re saying my therapist is really a Grigori soldier?”
“No, he isn’t.” Rhys reached over and closed the book, swiping a thumb over the title. For a moment, the letters shimmered and shifted, then the characters reshaped into the more recognizable Roman alphabet.
“That spell is incredibly…” Ava blinked when she read the title. “Oh. My—”
“Your therapist isn’t a Grigori,” Rhys said, pulling away the book. For a moment the letters held, then the title shifted back to the original Farsi. But the name was branded onto her mind.
“Your Dr. Sadik is a fallen angel.”