For the first time, his words had the ring of truth. Ava took a deep breath. She still felt like there was something she wasn’t seeing, but at least some of what he said made sense.

“Carl,” she muttered.


“My stepfather, Carl Matheson. He’s rich as Midas. Richer, maybe. In addition to being a film producer, he also has all this family money. Shipping. Oil. He’s loaded. If it’s human trafficking, they probably want me for ransom. It wouldn’t be the first time someone has tried.”

Or succeeded. She tried not to think about the awful week when she was eight. Routine, they had called it. The monsters who had taken her in Brazil had laughed and called it a routine kidnapping when they teased her. One girl for one million dollars. A respectable week’s work. She hadn’t slept through the night for a year afterward.

Malachi said, “That must be it. They’ve become bolder, and I don’t know why.” He stepped closer cautiously. “I’d like to stay at the hotel. I called already and booked the room next to yours.”

And just like that, she was pissed off again. “Didn’t ask me, did you? Did you ask Carl? Is anyone going to even pretend to keep me informed?” She spun around and walked toward the doorman. He frowned for a moment before he said something to Malachi in Turkish. Malachi barked back, then the doorman shrugged and opened the door to their group.

“Some security you are,” Ava muttered. “I was told this hotel had the best security in the city. I stayed here for that reason. I don’t need handlers. I don’t want someone watching me eat breakfast and following me to the bathroom, Malachi.”

A wave of embarrassment washed over her as she walked to her room. For a few days, she’d almost felt normal. The voices were quieter. She was going out and touring a city she was growing to love. She’d forgotten Malachi had been hired to look out for her. She’d felt like she had a friend who enjoyed her company. Enjoyed spending time with her. Maybe even…

She was foolish to have forgotten. Other people got those things. Not her.

“Ava.” His voice was softer, pleading. She refused to turn around. “I’m trying to keep you safe.”

“By getting a room in my hotel without even asking me?” she asked in a hoarse voice. She had to get away from him. She was seconds away from crying. “By ordering me around like I’m a child?”


“I’m going to bed now. I don’t want to talk to you. I’m tired, and we’ll talk more about this in the morning.”

He fell silent. She could feel the warmth of his hand inches from the nape of her neck. His breath stirred her hair, then he drew away. “Fine. I’ll be in the room next door.”

“I don’t want to know that,” she said. “I’m pretending…”

That you’ll meet me tomorrow for breakfast, just because you want to see me.

That we’ll tour the city, and you’ll joke with me, and the voices will be a little easier to bear.

I’m pretending… that you’re my friend.

“I’m pretending you don’t exist, Malachi. Stay away from me tonight.”

She slid her card in the lock, then quickly walked in and shut the door. She turned the dead bolt and the sliding lock, then she walked to her window and checked the locks there, too. When she was sure her room was secure, she sat down on the bed and waited to hear him leave the hallway. After a few minutes, Malachi moved toward the lobby, talking to Leo in Turkish.

Seconds later, she pushed back the tears that wanted to surface, and her phone was in her hand.


“Ava!” Her mother’s voice was brimming with excitement. “Isn’t it late there? I’m so glad you called! How are you liking—”

“These guys Carl hired, Mom. They’re out of control.” Her voice was shaking with anger. “He needs to dial them back, or I’m ditching them completely. You know I can.”

“But Ava—”

“They practically shoved me out of a bar tonight because some guy was making a pass at me. You know me. I can take care of myself, and they went way overboard. I’m surprised no one called the police. Is that the kind of publicity that Carl wants?”


“Andone of them is staying at my hotel now! He says there’s some kind of threat against my life! Has there been a threat and you haven’t told me? I mean, I know shit happens, but you’ve always told me if there has ever been any specific—”

“Ava, shut up!”