Page 8 of Hecate


“What the hell?”Cate froze as a surge of energy shot through her fingertips down through her center. Bright glowing ribbons of pure arcane energy found their way out through the soles of her shoes, like lightning seeks the ground. She jumped from the sensation, her consciousness spinning as she settled her gaze on the man who had collapsed in front of her.

For only a moment, she could have sworn she saw his face change shape, but not like a normal shifter changes shape, no.

It was as if the spirit inside was… stuck.

Like a caged spirit...

She blinked, reality coming back to her as she realized the man was not moving.

Cate started to panic as she knelt down in the alley, worried that somehow, someway, she’d done this.

That she was responsible.

The door swung open and Cate’s pulse quickened.

“I thought you had gotten over human sacrifices, Cate.”

Cate had never been so happy to see another god in her life.

“Hades! It’s not… I just…” She could not find the words to speak. Hades’ eyes softened a bit.

“I didn’t mean to—” she stammered.

Hades’ lips turned up only slightly, the ghost of a smile. He knelt next to her and placed his pale hand over top of the man’s chest. To the naked human eye, it would look like nothing more than a simple Reiki practice, but to those who had the gift, or those who were inclined to be wielders of magic themselves, the dark, sapphire blue energy that emanated from Hades’ hands would be more than noticeable. Especially in the dark alley as it lit up the confines of the tight space.

“He is alive, though he seems to be in some form of stasis. What exactly did you do?” Hades removed his hand from above the man’s chest, and gingerly rolled him to his side.

“I… I don’t know! I just came out to give him this crystal. He left it at the table, and then…”

“Crystal?” Hades slid his hand in the man’s pocket. Cate watched as he pulled out the man’s wallet.

“Yes, it’s—” She felt her blood chill. “I just had it, I—”

“Gunner Brickman,” Hades said with a surprising lilt in his voice.

“What?” Cate searched the ground frantically for the opalescent stone, but it was nowhere to be found.

“His name. Gunner J. Brickman. Scorpio. Lives over on… Valhalla Street.” Hades rattled off the details of what Cate assumed to be this man…Gunner’s… identification.

“I need to fix this,” she said as she stood up.

“And how do you intend on doing that, darling?” Hades asked in amusement.

“You’re going to help me move him to my car.” Her voice did not waver in its command. Hades only smiled.

“Since when did you start driving?” He said, as he braced his arms around the lumbering body that had a name.


“Since I needed something to transport the animals to the shelter,” she grumbled as she headed toward the streetlights, Hades’ footsteps following behind her. Thankfully, the speed dating event continued in full swing at the moment, which meant Cate and her companions were left to their own devices.

At least, Cate had thought so before a familiar voice struck her just as they reached the van.

“Leaving so soon?” Darcy’s eyes widened as she took in the sight of Cate, Hades, and an unconscious Gunner.

“I don’t have time to explain.” She pushed past her friend.