Page 10 of Hecate

“Oh, for the love…” Cate slammed on the brakes as the traffic light turned red, jostling everyone in the van.

A slew of curses and groans followed as she waited patiently for the light to turn green.

“You didn’t have to come with me,” she said to her passengers.

“I would be loathe to refrain from following a situation that may end in death,” Hades said.

“You think I’m going to let you walk away from speed dating with an unconscious man that looks like... that... without getting the details?” Darcy shoved her playfully.

Cate rolled her eyes and sighed. The moon caught her attention once more. She felt a strange pull, an energy, coming from the back seat of the van. She turned her head, glancing at Gunner, and she felt the magnetic pull strengthening.

“Hades,” she called, and he looked up at her with dark, questioning eyes.

“Yes, Cate?”

“Can you use your magic to sense other energies? Energies that aren’t... alive?”

“You mean spiritual energy? Yes. Why?” He furrowed his brows at her.

“I feel an energy coming off of him but I… I can’t placewhatit is.”

Hades nodded, and suddenly the van was nothing but shades of green and yellow. Gunner’s body glowed, but the source seemed to be coming from inside his fist. When Hades opened it, the opalescent light cast its eerie glow among the small space. Darcy let out a sound of awe.

“I believe this is the crystal you are looking for,” Hades said as he plucked the stone from Gunner’s hand.