Page 28 of Hecate

She was nothing more than a stepping stone for them—the shifters who’d needed her help, the gods who had also left her bed dry in the wake of their own rewards and goals.

Fame, glory, the spoils of war and victory. She’d given such things to the men who’d promised to give her more.

And they never delivered on their promises. They’d all used her for her power, her magic.

She could not fall victim to such things again.

I know better now; this time it will be different.

“On the contrary, Gunner. Iknowit will work.”

She broke his gaze as she knelt down in the dirt and started to draw the proper sigils. She could feel his eyes upon her, his energy in the air. This close, she could feel it heating her skin.

“Then what are you afraid of?” His voice was inquisitive.

She turned to look at him once more, taking in the sight of his perfect features.

He’ll make a fine Alpha.

“I fear nothing but the approaching dawn,” she said as the moonlight flared her magic once more. “I will need to go get into something a bit more… comfortable.” She cleared her throat as Gunner stood perfectly straight and still, waiting for her to continue. He stood in the center of a large salt circle, lavender, rose, and dried lilies sprinkled throughout salt and black ash.

“You will need to be naked when I return,” she said poignantly.

“I beg your pardon?” Gunner snickered, raising an eyebrow.

“For the ritual to work, there will need to be intimate contact.”

A sly grin spread on his face.

“Sweet cheeks, if you wanted to see me in my birthday suit...” He slowly started working at the buckle of his belt, and Cate could feel her cheeks flush. “All you had to do was ask.” His grin was quite lascivious, and Cate refused to look down as he set to unfastening his belt. He worked at the buttons, sliding his jeans down slowly, never breaking eye contact. Despite wanting to look, she could not bring herself to do so, to give him the satisfaction. She would not give in so easily.

No he willnotenjoy this.

This is purely not…

“I will return,” she said abruptly as she turned on her heel and entered the cabin once more, feeling quite flush.

Spike lifted his head as she walked past, whining for attention as always.

“Not you, too,” she groaned as she headed into her bedroom.

There was no reason for her to feel so nervous.

It was just sex magick. She’d practiced it a hundred, a thousand times over her long life.

But it had been a while…

At least, with another person.

Cate rummaged through her wardrobe, in search of something in the right color. Something dark, perhaps something sheer…

Something that would entice an animal out of its cage.

Finally, she settled on a black robe, long and opaque. Simple and understated with velvet trim, tiny silver stars, and moons embroidered into the trim. She lay the robe out on her bed, which was covered in plum velvet comforters and silver throw pillows. Belle meowed from the doorway, judgmental as always.

Cate shut the door, staring at the robe once more before she finally took her shirt off over her head. Her nipples hardened instantly from the chill in the air, and she shivered for a moment as she slid out of her skirt, sliding her panties down. She carefully folded the undergarments, her clothing, and set them out neatly on top of her comforter.

She padded around her bedroom in search of the proper stones she’d need to help channel her power directly. When she finally found her snowflake onyx amulet, she did not think twice about putting it on. One by one, she slid on her rings, her anklet, her long, heavy gemstone chains. Looking in the mirror, she couldn’t help but remember a time when such a sight was more than rare, it wasprayedfor.