Page 63 of The Monster in Me

Drake pulls her in closer, “I’m just messing with you Stella. I was out pretty late and now I’m starving so Jade, get the fuck up already and go get dressed.”

“Alright I’m up, no need to get all hangry on me Dragon.”

Drake laughs, tightening his hold on Stella, “By the way, why’d you sleep on the couch? The bed we so graciously let you stay in isn’t big enough for the two of you?”

I turn to Kai, who’s glaring at Drake's arm still draped around her, his eyes shifting to meet my gaze as he senses me watching him. “I couldn’t sleep, came out for some water, guess I ended up knocking out on the couch.”

Drake walks Stella toward the front door, grabbing his car keys hung up on the wall, but looks back over his shoulder before he turns the doorknob. “We’ll wait for you two in the car,” he says, winking at Kai and me, as he and Stella disappear into the hall. I turn to Kai whose eyes are dark and filled with fury.

“What the fuck was that about?” I ask out loud, but he simply shakes his head laughing lightly.

“Not a fucking clue,” he answers, walking over to the fridge to grab a beer. It’s ten a.m., but I’m not questioning him, nor judging. Not after the little scene that played out in front of us just moments ago. There is nothing worse than the person you are crushing on, whether you are in denial or not, crushing on someone else, and don’t I know it.


Twenty minutes later we’re pulling into the dinner in Drake’s new coupe. The ride here was scary quiet, as in no one said a fucking word. Nothing but the blaring of the speakers, which were bumping MGK’s hitMy Ex’s Best Friend, were heard. However, the loud music was better than whatever was bound to follow the little moment which transpired between Stella and Drake back at the apartment. Kai sits beside me in the back seat, glaring out the window to his left, his fists gripping the seat tightly.

Not to our surprise, by the time I finished getting dressed and walked down to the parking lot with Kai, Stella was sitting in the passenger seat with Drake holding her hand in his and bringing it up to his mouth. They’re getting more obvious and daring with their flirting and it’s definitely raising more questions in me. I need to get to the bottom of it tonight.

We walk into Scottie’s and find Jax and Ruby already sitting in a booth toward the back of the diner. Without waiting to be greeted Drake and Stella walk arm and arm over to the booth with Kai and I trailing behind them. I speed up trying to squeeze my way between the two of them but it’s useless. Drake slides into the booth behind Stella leaving me to sit at the edge.

“Finally y’all decide to show up,” Ruby scoffs, as an angry Kai slides in beside her.

Kai reaches an arm over the back of the seat behind Ruby, “You know your brother, Drake and his slow ass fucking driving, you’d think there was an old man behind the wheel.”

“Can’t be too careful when I have precious cargo Saint,” Drake replies, calling Kai by his last name.

Though before they can continue bickering, we’re interrupted by a young girl dressed in the diner uniform. “Hi, I’m Kelly, what can I get for you?” asks the young waitress with short brown hair, who nervously looks down at her notepad trying her hardest to avoid making eye contact with the guys who are obviously checking her out. She’s pretty, doesn’t look much older than us, and has the same shy girl vibe I got from Stella when we first met. Though now Stella is a sassy little firecracker, who is currently flirting and playing with fire. Everyone can see it now, the Dragon has even noticed which wasn’t much of a shock that he slid into the booth right behind Stella, leaving me to sit on the edge with Ruby, Jax, and Kai across from us in that order.

“Well hello there,” Jax says, leaning over the table to gawk at Kelly, the cute waitress. Ruby rolls her eyes smacking him over the head and causing him to cry out in protest. “Ow babe, what was that for? I was just being polite and saying hi.”

“Yeah I bet you were,” Ruby sneers, crossing her arms over her chest. I’ve honestly never understood why Ruby has stayed with Jaxon. Don’t get me wrong, I love Jax and can definitely see the appeal. Dark hair, big hazel eyes, an angular jawline covered in a slight stubble, he’s hot, like young Johnny Depp hot. Not to mention his laid-back attitude is a great contrast to the cynicism flowing through the rest of us, but just like any teenage guy, he’s a fucking slut, always hitting on other girls with Ruby standing right beside him. As for Ruby, well the Red Dragon is fucking sexy as hell and way out of his league. Although she can be a huge bitch, most of the time, she deserves better than that.

“Screw you guys I’m fucking starving. I’ll have the french toast and waffles plate, with a side of bacon, extra crispy, and a coke,” Drake orders, handing his menu to the waitress.

The waitress scribbles down his order then turns her attention to Stella. “I’ll have the chicken club wrap with fries,” Stella follows, as Drake takes the menu from her and passes it down to Kelly.

“Are you going to share your fries with me Stella?” Drake whispers to her, yet loud enough for the rest of us to hear. Stella giggles softly as she tucks her hair behind her ear, a nervous tick I’ve noticed she does every time he flirts with her.

I notice Kai’s jaw stiffening at the same time Ruby’s eyebrows raise in question. Ignoring them, I quickly turn back to Kelly and order before these two say something that causes an even more awkward riff. “I’ll have the avocado bacon cheeseburger with Cajun fries, a side of onion rings, and a chocolate banana milkshake. Oh and I’ll also get the small order of the breakfast nachos,” I say, as Kelly quickly jots my whole order down.

All heads turn to me, jaws dropped, eyes wide, and unbelieving stares plastered over their faces.

“Are you ordering for all of us Jade?” Ruby asks, and the table bursts out in loud laughter.

“No Ruby, I’m just starving.”

The rest of the group follows and places their orders with Kelly who then runs off to the kitchen to put in our meals. There is an awkward silence for a moment, before Drake, who still has his arm around the backside of Stella’s seat, once again leans his head down to her and whispers something, inaudible to the rest of us, but whatever it was causes a deep blush to caress her cheeks.

“Okay what the fuck?” Ruby blurts out, saying out loud what all of us are thinking.

Drake throws his head back cursing to himself before looking down to face his sister, “Did you say something sis?” he asks sarcastically, even though he evidently heard her.

“Yeah I did brother, what the fuck? Since when are you and Silver here all chummy?” Ruby asks, all eyes now on Stella whose arms are crossed over her chest, looking like she wishes she could slide under the table and hide.

“We’ve always been friends,” Drake says, ignoring Ruby’s clear insinuation.

“You know that’s not what I mean Drake. You’re being playful, flirting like a middle schooler, and have been touching her every chance you get since we sat down. What gives?” It’s Ruby now who has her arms crossed over her chest, pushing up the sexy cleavage she’s baring in the low-cut bodysuit she’s paired with jeans.