Page 108 of The Monster in Me

Chapter 41


This can’t be happening. This cannot be fucking happening right now. My whole life is in the damn hands of these scumbags and I need to figure out a way to get free without getting the kids hurt in the process. Though all I can think about are the screams that came out of Sapphire's tiny little lungs. These idiots have no idea who they are dealing with. They think because I came here without making a scene that I won't kill them with my bare hands? Dead wrong buddy. The only reason I was even remotely in control was because that fucker had a gun on Sapphire’s head. I’d never forgive myself if something happened to my babies.

The whole damn thing is a cliche in the worst ways. Evil men come to kidnap a vulnerable woman and her children. They are taken out of their home at gunpoint into a seedy looking white van. The originality is lacking. All of that means their shitty plan may be in my favor. If I can figure out a way to get to a phone and call Bass, he will come get us. It's only a matter of time before he realizes we are gone and who it is that took me. These idiots didn’t even think to switch up the lackeys doing the dirty work. Skeet and “who fucking knows what that other idiots name is” are as bright as broken lightbulbs buried in the yard.

At the very least I was able to keep hold of my babies. They were screaming bloody murder when they first shoved me in the van and didn’t stop until I was holding them. The poor things are probably starving but I am not about to whip out my tit to feed them when these perverts are watching my every move. I have Saph strapped to my chest on the left and Onyx on the right. Usually I only have one in the carrier at a time but I need to be as hands free as possible and since my babies are tiny and light enough to be strapped on, that is the safest place right now.

It's silent, dead silent. For the first time in my life, I am sitting quietly afraid my big ass mouth will put my babies in danger. After what feels like an eternity the van comes to a stop. Tweedle Dee has been sitting in the back with me the whole ride, looking over with a cheshire grin on his face like he has a secret he is dying to share. Panic starts to set in when I see him reach into his jacket, thinking he's getting the gun back out. I am almost relieved when I don't see it in his hand. Instead there is a syringe. A syringe full of some yellowish liquid I am sure I don’t want anywhere near my fucking body or my babies.

I start to stand when Skeet yanks the back door open and climbs into the van, yanking me back into the seat that hugs the edge of the van. “It's time for a nap Little Wolf.”

That's the last thing I hear before everything goes black.


Screaming. Crying.

I sit up in a daze at the sound of loud cries, My babies. My children are crying. Opening my eyes, I realize they’re no longer strapped tightly on my body. They’re close by but not close enough to be within reach. My mouth is dry, my eyes blurred, and my head is pounding loudly. I'm searching for the strength to open my eyes and get to my children, but I can barely move.

My mind is slowly clearing, focusing once again on the environment around me. It’s cold, dark, and smells like the ocean. The rumbling of waves is heard just outside the hollow walls and a loud horn blares in the distance. I suddenly remember what happened in the back of the van. I was fucking drugged by these assholes, and now my kids are no longer strapped to my chest.

My hands are tied behind my back and my feet bound with duct tape. I assume it's the same that’s wrapped around my wrists. Finally, I am able to fully open my eyes and take in my surroundings. Immediately I know I am not in a house. This place reminds me of a boiler room. A dingy, dark, and cold area that hasn't seen human life in a while. I spin around on my ass trying to get a full view of what I am working with and spot a box across the room. It’s no bigger than a medium sized amazon box and the precious cargo inside is screaming loudly echoing in the room. My babies. Momma’s here little angels. I'm going to get us out of this shit hole. The space seems to be empty, giving me the perfect opportunity to escape without fear of retaliation.

Getting my ass into gear I start to look for a way out of these damn restraints. I can't do shit if I'm a useless ass pretzel. Thinking back to every crime show and murder documentary I’ve watched, wondering what pointless information I absorbed that could help save my life, I remember what I’ve seen about being bound with tape. In one podcast about a woman who was abducted and kept in a basement bound with duct tape, I remember she mentioned how she stood up, crossed her legs, and sat crisscross applesauce on the floor tearing apart the restraints. Leaning up against the nearest wall I inch my way up until I can get as close to standing as possible and try to do this dumbass tape sit. Spoiler alert it didn’t fucking work. I knock my head against the wall in defeat. There has to be something I can do. Looking around I spot a metal pipe sticking out of the ground.

I crawl my way over to the pipe, breathless by the time I get there. Getting my legs over the pipe is the easy part, though standing up is a bitch. I scrap up all my strength and stand up knowing full well that this is going to fucking hurt. I can barely focus with my baby's loud screams in the background. “Here goes nothing,” I whisper to myself, throwing myself to the ground and tearing off the tape.

“Yes, finally,” I yelp, hurrying to do the same with the tape around my wrists. Once I’m free, I rush over to the box picking Sapphire up first. I cradle her body close to mine, trying to warm her up. Her lips are slightly purplish, her arms ice cold to the touch. These fuckers left them without a blanket. Adjusting Saph in one arm, I reach down to pick up Onyx.

“It’s all going to be okay my sweet babies, I promise you mommy is going to get us out of here.”

Just as I creep toward the door on the far left of the room, I hear the one behind me being loudly swung open. “Where do you think you’re going darling?” Skeet’s voice sends frightening chills down my spine, the most terrifying thing I’ve ever heard. I hug my babies tighter against my body, fearing the worst, preparing for anything. “Tsk, tsk, I really hope you weren’t trying to escape. That would be bad, very, very bad.”

Ignoring him, I rush toward the door but don’t make it far before I hear the click of a gun.


“What do you want, asshole!?” I shout, without turning to face him, clutching my hands in tight fists at my side.

He laughs, a dark, menacing crow. “Finally someone asks what I want. It’s always Skeet go murder the idiot who dared step foot in our territory. Skeet go scare the addict who owes us money for the product he stole. Skeet, kidnap the whore who ruined my son's life. Oh what I want never matters to anyone.”

Abruptly, I turn at his last statement. “What the hell did you just say?” I ask, my voice quavering in anger.

“I want you darling,” he mutters slowly, inching closer to me. I back up at his advance, the skeevy look in his eyes, making my insides shake with terror. “And I’m going to have you before I turn you over to him.” He reaches for me just as the back door is kicked open, startling the both of us.

“No need for any of that Skeet. I’m here now.” A threatening presence is felt in the room as heavy boots tread against the concrete floor.

“Kane,” I mumble, mostly to myself.

Of course it’s him. How did I ever think otherwise? Skeet isn’t smart enough to act alone, nor capable of doing this by his own merit. Kane Dalton put him up to it, and I’m certain it was by order of my dear daddy in law.

Nonetheless, I know I need to get out of here, no matter who’s behind this, I have only myself to blame. I should have listened to Stephan’s threats, taken them more seriously than I did. He wants me gone, out of his son's life and he will do whatever it takes to ensure that happens. Even killing me and my babies.

“My dear friend Kane, I’m not sure any of this concerns you,” Skeet says, pointing the gun away from me and toward Kane. “Last I checked, I no longer follow your orders nor am I under your payroll. I’m a free agent, Dalton, a hitman for hire.”

“You think Stephan trusted you with something as important as this?” Kane responds, unable to hide his amusement. “Oh come on Skeet, I knew you and Toby were fucking idiots, but tell me you really didn’t think he wouldn’t have a backup plan.”