Page 101 of The Monster in Me

Chapter 37


“They’re fucking beautiful Jade,” Bass whispers in my ear, as we watch Onyx and Sapphire through the glass, sleeping soundly in their incubators. His arms are tightly wrapped around me, his chin tightly tucked in the crook of my neck while he kneels beside the wheelchair they rolled me out in.

“They’re so small, Bass. I’m so scared.” A stray tear falls upon my cheek, watching my babies who are both less than five pounds. Their tiny fingers and toes, their long, thin arms and legs, the shallow movements of their chest as they breathe through the tubes inserted in their small noses. I can’t handle the pain it causes me to see my poor babies this way.

His grip on me tightens, “Shh, baby. Don’t cry Jade, they’re going to be okay. I promise you baby, I won’t let anything happen to them. I will keep you all safe. You three are my family, my everything.”

“What if you can’t Sebastian?” I shake my head, unable to stand it. How did our world turn into this Bass? One day we’re the two happiest people in the world, and in a matter of minutes, our greatest nightmare comes to life? I can’t bear it.”

“Those two in there are the strongest little humans in the world, you know why Jade? Because their mother is the strongest, most selfless, and loving woman I know. You will never let anything happen to them.”


The next few days come in the blink of an eye. I am still stuck on this bed but the twins are thriving. I get to see them a few times a day. I count down the minutes every few hours when the nurses allow me to go in for a visit. The doctor made me stay an extra two days because of the abruption and to give me some extra time with the twins before we have to leave here without them for at least a month, only stopping by during visiting hours. I don’t even want to think about it.

Looking over I spot Bass knocked out in the chair next to my bed. He’s been my hype man for the last few days and is finally hitting a wall. He’s tired, even if he can’t admit it to himself. A phone ringing brings him out of the much-needed nap he's taking. Without him even telling me, I know it’s his father who is calling. The look on his face says it all, not to mention it’s Thursday, and he can’t miss that stupid ass weekly meeting, not until it’s safe for us. Though his father may know about the baby, we want to keep him in the dark as long as possible about the babies. Preferably until the twins are back home safely with us.

He stands, leaning down and places a kiss on my lips. “Duty calls Little Wolf.” His fingers caress my cheek as his gaze intensifies. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Stay safe and kiss my babies.”

Watching daytime television is my new hobby thanks to the fact that I am on self-imposed bed rest. Walking anywhere that doesn't include my visiting the NICU is a hard no. Sebastian isn’t gone even fifteen minutes when I’m pulled from the latest scandalous episode of Maury when someone walks through the door. Nurses usually knock but this apparently isn't a medical visit. It's a visit I should have known was coming, a visit I was expecting. Stephan Silver stares back at me from under the doorway.

I am confused as fuck as I stare at the man who I am sure had Sebastian pulled away for nothing other than to ambush me alone. This should be good. “Mr. Silver, may I ask what you are doing in my room?” I ask, sitting up straighter.

“Shut up, slut,” he practically spits at me. Oh man, this guy has got me fucked up. Wrong place, wrong time old man.

“I don’t think you heard me correctly, I asked what the fuck are you doing here?” I reach down to call in a nurse but stop when he starts walking slowly toward me. His suit is pressed and perfect, his shoes tapping the floor with every step. He is trying to intimidate me. Fuck him. Nothing he can say will hold any fucking value.

“You see, I have a problem, child. That problem is you and your brat.” Brat. That fucker is on thin ice. Though him mentioning brat and not brats makes me feel a little bit better knowing he has no idea that the twins exist. Meaning he has no real information on what's happening here.

“Seems like a personal problem, Silver. Although Bass doesn’t seem to have an issue with me or my offspring, and since he’s the only one I give a fuck about. I’d say you and your problem can go fuck itself.”

He laughs, a soft, menacing laugh as smooth as melted chocolate. “That just won't work for me, you gold digging bitch. You will be leaving my only heir alone and ridding him of the inconvenience that is you and that brat. My son has responsibilities to this family and he will fulfill his role, you can be fucking sure of that,” he says rather calmly. Almost eerily composed.

Now it’s me who’s laughing, “With all due respect sir, actually no fuck that. That’s not going to happen Silver, I am not leaving Bass. You can walk the hell out of my room now.”

“Ah, resistance, I expected as such. Your stubbornness is a trait that is well known, much like your disgusting language and your embarrassing economic status. If you ask me, I think with the right persuasion you’ll be on your way.” Instead of walking out, he dares sit at the edge of my bed.

“Tough shit, not happening. Now leave.” This time I manage to press the call button requesting the nurse come to my room.

“It’s not like Sebastian would be surprised, no woman has ever been loyal to him. Everyone has a price, it’s just a matter of the magic number.” I abruptly turn to face him, taken aback by his forwardness and outright reproach.

I'm seething at this point. I know he’s comparing me to Bass’s pathetic mother. The one person who was biologically meant to be there for him left him for a few hundred grand. I don’t give a flying fuck how much he offers me, I would never take it. Fifteen months ago, I would have gladly walked away from anything and anyone for the right number. Now? That number doesn’t fucking exist. My life with Sebastian is priceless.

“You’re out of your fucking mind Silver, you must not know me as well as you say if you think throwing money at me will get me to leave.”

“You are a woman, a poor, common woman. You are all the same.” He reaches into the pocket of his jacket, pulling out a check book, and proceeds to jot down an amount. Ripping it out of the book, he places the check on my blanket.

“I must admit, I applaud you for the part you’ve played so well. You managed to fool my son, you’ve fooled everyone else,” he laughs, “You almost fooled me. But I know your kind. I know deep down greed is what truly feeds the monster inside.”

He lowers his face to mine, bringing his lips a mere inch from my ear. “Five-hundred-thousand. That should be enough to get you the hell out of Hillcrest and out of my son's life. What do you say Ms. Wolfe, care to make a deal with the devil?”