Page 81 of The Monster in Me

I single handedly devoured the funnel cake, but despite my best efforts, I taped out on the fourth deep fried Oreo. Trust me, I’m deeply ashamed.

Ace, Scarlett, Sebastian, and I met up with the rest of the group after losing them to the carnival rides a few hours ago. First time since I started coming here that I’ve missed out on the rides too. Damn pregnancy. Stella is the first one I see, giggling and twirling her hair between her fingers, though the true sight to see, what makes me gasp out loud, is the fact that she’s cradled under the Dragon's arm, again.

I see him tense beside me before I hear him. “Why the fuck does the Dragon have his arm around my cousin?” Bass shouts, turning to me like I have an answer for him.

I shrug my shoulders trying my hardest not to laugh, “Just stay out of it Sebastian, Stella’s a big girl. The last thing she wants is you to be getting involved in her personal life, if I might be so bold as to say, one you’ve had little interest in before. I roll my eyes as he huffs and puffs out his chest, like some kind of animal trying to show hisdominance.

Behind Drake and Stella, Jaxon, and Ruby walk hand in hand with Kai sulking beside them, his gaze focused on his best friend and the girl he swears isn’t for him. As if sensing my eyes on him he turns to me, his scowl slowly disappearing as he heads in my direction. “Hey sexy momma to be,” he murmurs, smiling wide as he steps up to me. He wraps his arms around my shoulders, engulfing me in a tight hug. I instinctively tuck my face in the space between his neck and shoulder blade, inhaling the sensual scent of his cologne. Bad idea.

“Alright that’s enough,” Bass groans, making Kai chuckle as he releases me.

“Lighten up Silver, you already put a baby in her, she’s yours I know that,” Kai jokes, everyone except Sebastian laughing at his remark.

Kai always has this aura about him, cool and unproblematic, making the guys feel dangerously unarmed when near him. He’s the definition of boy next door, comfortable in his own skin, and although troubled beyond repair, he does well to hide his demons behind his charismatic attitude. Only those of us closest to him can sense what he hides so well.

We spend the next couple hours walking around the fair, stopping at every booth to play games, consuming insurmountable amounts of calories, and even manage to win a few stuffed bears before coming to rest at the bench beside the Ferris Wheel.

“I don’t know how you girls do it, I swear I’m fucking stuffed,” Kai groans, sitting back and cradling his arms around his stomach.

“I could actually go for another snack,” I tease, though it may not be much of a lie. My stomach rumbles loudly, everyone turning to me with wide eyes before they erupt in roars of laughter.

“Shit, you weren’t kidding Wolfe,” Kai yells, laughing loudly, “Fuck Bass, you need to feed your woman, and I don’t think it’s food she needs.”

Sebastian turns to Kai, ready to rip him a new one, but I place my hand on his knee advising him to take a joke. “He’s kidding babe, you know Kai, suddenly the jokester. You going to let him take your place Jax?” I ask, trying to lighten the mood and notice Bass relaxes beside me.

“You know he can never compare to me honey,” Jax says, Ruby rolling her eyes in annoyance beside him.

“Well who do we have here?”

My grip on Sebastian’s thigh tightens and I feel him tense under my hold as we both realize who it is that’s shown up to ruin our night. She’s like a fucking leech, the more you try to pull her off of you, the harder she holds on, sucking the life out of you in the process.

The guys and girls go silent, everyone carefully watching me and awaiting my response before they jump in to either join me or hold me back.

“You know Win, I never thought I’d see the day our boys would be slumming it with the help. I guess they took their community service a bit too seriously,” Kinsley mocks, turning to Winter who watches us with a bored expression.

Winter’s gaze finds her brother with his arm protectively around Scar, watching her with an equally menacing stare. “You’re wasting your time and energy on them Kins,” she sneers, her eyes never once leaving his as she speaks, “They’re not worth the disease we’re sure to catch being this close and breathing the polluted air around them.” Her gaze trails to Stella who stands directly in front of her still tucked nicely under Drake’s arm.

“You better watch that feisty little tongue princess,” Drake snarls, releasing Stella and stepping toward Winter. “It might get caught, you never know with us,animals. We might get a little hungry and have a bite.”

I’ve got to give Winter some credit for not retreating or cowering down at Drake’s advance. He’s pretty intimidating though she simply watches him curiously, her gaze trailing down his body, which must look dangerously alluring in his black jeans and matching sleeveless tank, showing off all the ink covering his arms and neck. Though her glare doesn’t look aroused, more uninterested than anything. I guess the Dragon doesn’t have his usual effect on the Ice Princess.

“Oh please, you don’t know me Damon Drake. I’m not like most of the girls around here.” Winter steps forward, perfection in her black fitted jumpsuit and matching five-inch heels, as she tucks her platinum blond hair behind her ear. Crystal clear blue eyes stare intently at him while she leans forward, her face just an inch away from his neck. It’s mesmerizing to watch, all eyes glued to them wondering what will happen next. “I bite back,” she whispers, just loud enough for all of us to hear.

“Ugh please don’t bite Win, you might get rabies or something,” Kins cries out, our attention moving to her.

“Fuck off Kinsley,” I shout, standing to meet her. “You can insult me all you want but leave my friends alone bitch. Besides, we don’t have the time, nor energy to listen to another one of your pathetic tantrums.

Instead of her usual pouting that happens when we diss her, a knowing smirk appears. “I’m not the one who will be throwing the tantrum darling,” she says. Her voice dripping in phony seduction. “Sebastian dear, have you told her yet?” she asks, my gaze immediately turning back to Bass who sits casually on the bench not paying any attention to us.

“Fuck off Kins, there’s nothing to fucking say,” he mutters, looking down at the ground. He’s nervous, I can tell by his posture and the way he shifts in his seat.

“Oh but there is my dear Sebastian, or have you forgotten already,” she coos.

“What the fuck are you talking about Kinsley?” I shout, though I’m not sure what I’m more pissed at, her insistence or Sebastian’s indifference.

“Prom darling, what else? Please tell me he broke the news to you.” She steps forward, stopping about a foot away, her five-inch stilettos making her just about my height, “Sebastian and I will be going to Prom together. Daddy’s already planned it all out with Daddy Silver. Dinner and drinks atLe Debutant,arriving in a brand new, limited edition Bugatti Chiron Noire, the perfect Givenchy gown fit for a princess, and to end a perfect evening, the presidential suite atThe Gallant Hotel. It will be a magical night.”

Anger threatens to push me over the edge, blood coursing through my veins like molten lava pulverizing everything in its way. I can hear my heartbeat blaring loudly in my ears, as she stares smugly at me like she’s fucking won. “What the fuck is she talking about Sebastian?”