Page 73 of The Monster in Me

“What?!” the two of them shout out simultaneously.

“What the fuck happened to my sister Sebastian?” Scar asks, sounding frighteningly furious.

“I um, fuck I think I fucked her into a damn a coma.” Instead of panicking like me they both burst out into a loud, uncontrollable laughter.

“Oh man Bass, you got us good. That’s a classic one,” Ace says, in between laughs, “I’ll have to use it one day babe.”

“I’m not fucking kidding man, she’s unconscious, passed the fuck out.”

“Tell us what happened Bass,” Scar says, sounding a bit more worried.

“We were fighting like always, and as usual that led to our favorite type of reconciliation tactic, angry hate sex. I was rough, like really rough. I couldn’t control myself I was pounding in and out of her like a fucking beast...”

Scar scoffs, sounding disgusted and making a gagging sound, “Okay, okay, never mind. Don’t tell us everything,”

“Bottom line is she orgasmed hard and then passed out. I freaked out and then called you. What if I went in too deep?”

“Okay first of all, contrary to what you meatheads believe, your dick isn’t that big, and secondly the rest is simple. Just grab some rubbing alcohol so she can sniff, it’ll wake her right up.”

“I don’t have rubbing alcohol, what the fuck is that.”

“Okay plan B, grab a liquor bottle, have her smell that or shove it down her throat, I’m sure she’ll wake up just to have a drink,” Ace says, mockingly.

“I can’t do that, she can’t drink.”

“What do you mean?” Scar asks, sounding suspicious.

“I mean she can’t have any liquor.”

“Why not Sebastian?” she shouts. Fuck, I know Scarlett doesn’t know since her and Jade are still not talking. I haven’t told Ace because frankly he’s always with Scar, and I know for a fact Jade’s going to be pissed as fuck if she finds out I told them, but right now, I don’t care. I’ll deal with my angry Little Wolf later.

“Because she’s fucking pregnant.”

Silence. I hear nothing on the other side, but silence. I look down at my phone making sure the line hasn’t cut out. Nope they’re still there, probably just in shock.

“We’ll be right there,” Ace snaps, right before hanging up on me.

Setting my phone down on the bed, I move over to my dresser grabbing a bottle of vodka, following Ace’s advice. I assume it’s the closest thing to whatever alcohol Scar was referring to. It’s worth a shot. I pop open the bottle and drench the wet towel I brought over from the bathroom, in it. Bringing the towel up to her nose, I sit her body up slightly to open up her airways.

Nothing fuck.

I try once again, this time splashing her in the face with the liquor. She suddenly gasps for air, pulling herself up, opening her eyes wide.

“Son of a bitch,” she shouts, spitting out some of the vodka that seeped in through her mouth. “Are you fucking crazy?”

“Possibly,” I answer, setting the bottle down on the nightstand. “You passed out Jade, what else was I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know use water, not fucking vodka, which by the way burns like a bitch.” She blinks her eyes rapidly, “You should try it some time, maybe bathe in it.”

“I’m sorry, okay, I freaked out. You fucking passed out did you not hear me? I fucked you like a fucking savage animal, went as deep as I’ve ever gone and you fucking collapsed, KO.”

“I was exhausted, Sebastian, that orgasm rippled through me using whatever energy I had left. I’ve puked three times in the last twenty-four hours, my stomach is empty, and I have a Little Monster inside of me practically sucking the life out of me. Of course I passed out.”

“I thought maybe I…”

“You what?” she asks, her green eyes turning almost clear as she awaits my response. Frown lines mark her pale skin, as her dark blond eyebrows crease between her eyes.

“Hurt the baby.”