Page 43 of The Monster in Me

ME: You wouldn’t dare.

I smirk at myself, proud of my witty response as I set my phone back down and place my hand back in Liam’s. He slowly runs his thumb along my palm, his eyes staring deep into me, setting off a tame little blaze inside of me. Well fuck me, Liam is a little tease. I know it’s wrong but Sebastian is asking for it by bringing the bitch here to try and makemejealous.

“Want to get out of...” Liam's question is interrupted as he’s suddenly picked up and hauled out of the booth and slammed into the table right next to us.

“What the fuck!” I shout out, rushing out of my seat and moving to stand between a clearly furious Bass and Liam who is hunched over in pain. I push against Bass’s chest forcefully trying to snap him out of his fury but am helpless against the predatory beast.

“Get the fuck out of my way Little Wolf I’m not above throwing you over my shoulder and dragging your ass out of here only to then come back and finish the fucker off,” he growls, his eyes a deep, dark almost black color, his chest rising and falling as he huffs and fucking puffs.

If I’m being totally honest he looks sexy ass fuck in this domineering role, the veins of his neck visibly protruding practically strangling him as he clenches his fist at his sides and muscles of his tattoo covered arms resemble vines wrapping around them. Pissed off Sebastian is hot but enraged Sebastian, now that’s the stuff wet dreams are made of. Something is definitely wrong with me.

“Leave him alone Bass, he hasn’t done anything. If anything it’s me that’s been flirting and leading him on,” I yell, his eyes turning to glare down at me.

Bass’s nostrils widen as his breathing turns heavy, the blood vessels in his eyes are red and frankly about to burst. The crowd of diners watches us with terrified expressions, everyone except the other two Horsemen. “Yeah and I’ll deal with you in a moment darling, but right now I need to remind this fucker not to play with my toys.”

Liam straightens up, stepping toward us, not taking the hint to stand the fuck down. “Fuck off Bass, Jade is worth way more than that and you fucking know it, she needs a real man not someone who’s going to use her like a fuck toy.”

I see it coming right before it happens. Frankly, I think everyone except Liam sees it. Bass’s fist locks in with Liam’s chin sending him flying across the room, slamming into Alek and Beck who stand on the side watching the debacle with smug grins on their perfect faces. “You have no fucking clue what Jade is to me so fuck off Walker,” Bass snarls, fucking foaming like a rabid dog.

I’ve just about fucking had it with his show of dominance and superiority. Consider me no longer turned on. “You know what Sebastian you do you, if you need to beat on his ass to prove your cock is bigger than his, be my guest. I don’t have to put up with this bullshit because either way the only cock getting fucked tonight will be a shiny, turquoise battery operated one that doesn’t talk back.” I turn and stalk away, flipping them both off as I head toward the exit of the diner, every single person in the place watching me with jaws dropped and eyes wide open in disbelief. I blew one of their kings off and not the good kind of blow either.

But of course I never make it out the door of my own free will because next thing I know I’m the one being hauled off my ass, thrown over a burly, rock hard shoulder, and carried out of the diner kicking and screaming bloody murder.

“Let fucking go of me you thick headed, psycho,” I shout, my screams muffled by the back of his T-shirt as my head dangles above his ass.

A loud smack is heard followed by a sting across my butt cheek, “You want to get fucked by your pretty little cock Jade, well you’ll be doing that while I watch, punishment for making me watch that fucker put his hands on you.”

I can’t help the pang of arousal that goes straight to my pussy at his crass comment, not to mention the painful smack of my ass. God I’m a fucking animal, desperate, needy, and so fucked up.

“But I didn’t even get to finish my dinner!” I pout, reminiscing on the delicious half eaten burger I left on my plate.

“I’ll get you fed baby, real good don’t worry about that.”