Page 32 of The Monster in Me

Scar nods her head in defeat, grabbing her bag from beside the couch and motioning for me to walk before her.


My first day back to school after my two-week hiatus is going a lot smoother than I expected. Grayson mentioned she’d called the academy and told them I had a family emergency and would be out for a few weeks. Funny since as far as they know, I have no family. Nonetheless they agreed, managing to send me my assignments, which luckily for me midterms had just passed so there weren’t very many. But the way the professors looked at me when I mentioned my absence, as if it was the most normal and understandable thing, makes me wonder if it was someone else who excused my absence. Perhaps someone, or a group of someone’s who hold more power in this school than any adult ever could.

But I shrug off the thought, not really caring who said what, and tucking it away into the back of my hippocampus where all my recent thoughts have been indexed into for a later retrieval, as I walk out toward the field for my last period. Gym class is always my favorite when we get to step out of our state-of-the-art gym and onto the football field where all the gorgeous, hunky athletes are practicing. I also happen to have Stella and Scar for this class, but after skipping out on lunch and spending it going over everything I missed in anatomy with Professor Davis, I have yet to see them.

But what I do see, or rather who, is a flawless head of golden blonde hair, and gleaming tanned muscle running toward the sideline of the field. He immediately sees me, and jogs over to where I stand on the track field. Instead of wearing his lacrosse practice uniform consisting of shorts and a tank, he’s shirtless wearing nothing but his football padded pants, holding his helmet in his hand.

His glistening white smile reflects off the rays of the sun, as he comes to stand before me. “Hey there gorgeous,” he says, calling me by his usual choice of adjective.

“I thought football season was over?” I ask, clearly knowing full well it is but still curious to know why he’s having football practice instead of lacrosse.

“Yeah it is, we’re just practicing for a friendly charity game we’re playing in a couple weeks with the team from Pleasant Hills actually. We never play them in season since they’re public and we’re not, but it’s something Headmaster Servite and his brother set up before the um, accident.” He shrugs his shoulders as he mentions the unfortunate freak accident the Servite family claimed happened at their Manor two weeks ago, killing Wesley Servite and his guests. Luckily, no one else was home when a “gas leak” in the kitchen caused an explosion when mixed in with the stove burner being left on. It’s always a gas leak.

“I guess it’s like being held in his honor and the money they’re raising is building Pleasant Hills, a new cutting-edge stadium. They’re team is pretty great from what I hear. Any advice?” he asks, confusing me slightly. But then I realize he’s asking because I used to go to that high school. Fuck I didn’t even know we had a team, well other than the quarterback, running back, and kicker I may or may not have made out with in the back of some seedy car. Not at the same time of course.

“Hmm well other than telling you how to seduce their quarterback or all about how he’s a sloppy kisser, I think I’m out of my area of expertise,” I joke, well not really joking, causing him to laugh wholeheartedly.

“I swear Jade, you are a breath of fresh air compared to the girls around here.” I take that as a compliment, I guess, as I meet his playful gaze noticing something I hadn’t earlier seen. I reach my hand up running my fingers over the purplish bruise forming under his left eye leading down to the small cut on his lower lip. I gently run my thumb over the scabbing gash.

I don’t realize what I’m doing until I hear him inhale sharply, his body stiffening before me. Fuck. I quickly drop my hand, stepping back slightly but he quickly reaches back for my hand. His fingers intertwine along with mine as his eyes look intensely at me.

“Go out with me Jade,” he mutters under his breath, his voice low and husky, dripping with seduction. “Dinner this Friday night.”

I stare blankly at him unsure of what to reply. I can’t lead him on, not in mycondition, not with Sebastian lurking around like a fucking predator stalking his prey. I mean look what happened to Liam, just because of the simple fact he offered me a ride home and a meal. Yet here he is doing it once again.

“Liam I…”

He interrupts me before I can refuse. “Just dinner Jade, as friends, it can be at Scottie’s Diner, informal and fun. Unless you are otherwise tied up?” he asks shyly, looking down at his football cleats before looking back up at me, slightly afraid of my response. I laugh at his choice of words. Yeah well Sebastian sure enjoys tying me up.

“No I’m not otherwise tied up if that’s your weird way of asking if there is anything going on between Silver and I,” I say, hoping it’s the right thing to say. I know I shouldn’t lead Liam on but he said we’d just be going as friends, and I’ve come to notice I’m seriously lacking in that department.

“So then dinner, this Friday at Scottie’s. I’ll pick you up,” he exclaims, the excitement obvious in his voice. I simply nod, giving him a warm smile, well as warm as I can give, internally laughing at his enthusiasm.

“Catch you later Walker,” I say before turning away and running toward the track.

Three laps into my warm-up, I ran into Stella and Scar barely emerging from the locker rooms and heading over in my direction. It’s nearing the end of March but the heat today is no joke. My ponytail is sweaty and my gym polo is glued to my body like a sticky layer of skin. I reach back to pull it over my head, looking around and making sure no teacher or coach is nearby to give me any shit about running in just a sports bra, but quickly decide I don’t fucking care if they do given that the cheer squad is down the field practicing in much less. I immediately spot Kinsley, cheer co-captain of course, since Carrington is in charge, wearing miniscule shorts and a sports bra that looks more like a swimsuit top. I roll my eyes at the way a crowd of guys huddles around them watching their practice.

“You keep rolling your eyes like that and they’re going to get stuck,” Scarlett mocks, as she and Stella walk up to me. So I do what I do best, roll my eyes and give her the finger.

She laughs, something I haven’t heard from her in a while, as she starts stretching on the track. “You know the bitch has been running her mouth about what happened on New Year’s,” Scar says, and I know exactly what she’s talking about.

“God I can’t stand the sight of her, I swear I see fucking red!” Now it’s Stella’s turn to laugh, as she turns to look in the direction my glare is focused, right toward the gossiping bitch.

“So it’s true then?” Stella asks, referring to the lovely story Kinsley’s been going on about how things went down at the New Year’s Eve party down at the beach. In her unhinged little mind, some three-way fantasy of hers was about to play out but fuck it if I was going to be any part of that. I left Bass naked and with the worst case of blue balls when the bitch showed up claiming to want in and he wasn’t so quick to turn her away. In his “defense” he said his drunken mind was taking longer than usual to react, but I was in no mood to fall for his bullshit. The only downside, he wasn’t the only one left heated and wanting.

“Not the way she’d like to remember it,” I hiss, turning to where we hear Liam barking orders at his teammates.

“We also heard Walker came over here earlier,” Scar teases, changing the subject, her unspoken question evident in her mocking tone of voice.

“The gossip mill around here works overtime I see,” I sneer, irritated that everyone is always in everyone’s business. “But he did, wants to take me out to eat on Friday,” I add, as if it’s no big deal. Both their jaws drop open acting as if in fact it is a big deal. They turn to each other exchanging a suspicious glare before turning back to me.

“I guess he didn’t learn his lesson at Bass’s party,” Scar mumbles under her breath.

“So are you going to go out with him?” Stella asks, her eyes suddenly going wide as if terrified of my answer. What is it with these two today?

“Yes, I’m going out with him on Friday,”