Page 19 of The Monster in Me

Chapter 9


I can’t concentrate. I can’t focus on anything other than the formidable anger I feel boiling the blood in my veins. Black and gray menacing shadows all around me blur my vision as I try to focus on the computer screen in front of me. How the fuck do these teachers expect me to focus on my tedious schoolwork, when the world around me is going to fucking hell?


My world, this vile piece of shit I was born into, is about to burn up in flames. Flames it brought on itself, like a fucking arsonist. Ace is gone, off plotting world domination and the takeover of hell from the devil himself. The guys and I are losing a grip on the power we hold over the kids of the academy, igniting chaos in every hallway. My father has lost his goddamn mind and is threatening me with ruining my entire future if I don’t comply with his god-awful requests. No inheritance, no legacy, nothing. He’s even gone as far as using his bodyguard to do his dirty work. Fucking coward.

Kane Dalton cornered me the other night outside my father’s casino, after being summoned there by him the same night I saw Jade at Torment. Dalton not so subtly made his threats,step out of line and you’ll get stepped on, disobey your father and you won’t be the only one to pay for it, making me absolutely certain my father put him up to after finding out I’ve been hanging out with Jade.

As for her, earlier that night I found her dancing like a fucking stripper in the middle of the dance floor. It made me so angry to see her that way, putting on a show for everyone to see, but not as horny as it made me. I decided to play along, teasing her, and making her nearly fall apart on the crowded dance floor. Paybacks a bitch, and my girl sure knows how to take it.

It backfired though obviously, leaving me with the biggest case of blue balls when I lost her in the crowd. It wasn’t on purpose, believe me I never would have let her out of my sight, but Ace called. He needed me, and despite how badly I needed to be in Jade, he’s my brother, and the Horsemen always come first. Though before I got to him, my father requested my presence at The Nova. Apparently he thought it prudent to show me a glimpse of what he’s expecting me to take over once I graduate this Spring, with Kinsley fucking Carlyle.

Over my dead body.

I behaved, acted like the dotting son he expected me to be, and kept my mouth closed shut. There is no use in going against his plans for me, not until I have a plan of my own. As of right now he may think he has the upper hand, he can even believe his hired hitman is here to scare me straight, but there is no fucking way I’ll end up with Kinsley Carlyle when all this is over.

I drove down to Pleasant Hills like a fucking maniac, hoping I wasn’t too late. Ace was frantic when he called, desperate and out of fucking control. So of course, I needed to make sure I was there for him, even if it were just to join him in punching the fucking wall I’m sure already has fist sized holes on every corner. My boys and I, we stick together, always have. At least that’s how things used to work around here.

I showed up, nearly three hours late, to help my brother plan how he was going to get his girl back from the devil himself, his uncle Wesley, whom up until recently was the one pulling our puppet string. However, now the tables have turned. Priorities have shifted with Ace, what once held most importance has now been shoved to the bottom of the barrel. Now she is on top, Scarlett Steele has become his number one priority, causing a shift in all of our lives. I never thought I’d see the day one of us let a chick take over our livelihoods that way. I mean he’s practically been exiled from his home because of his uncle’s sick and dangerous obsession with her.

We planned, we plotted and any day now she’ll be back in his arms.

So for now there is only one thing I can do, and it has nothing to do with my father and everything to do with her. I have to decide what I plan on doing with my own newest obsession, because as of today, I think I might just keep my little pet.

Lunch rolls around after the longest fucking morning, and I take the opportunity to head down to the courtyard and keep an eye on things. With us in charge of keeping things in order on campus and ensuring no one steps out of line or forgets their place under our reign, there have never been any issues between cliques. The jocks stay with the jocks, the stoners and freaks stay out of sight, the mean girls hang on our tails like pathetic little pups, and everyone is on their merry way to enjoying the perfect school year. Until recently.

The troubled kids from out of town were warned to stay out of our fucking way, but they’ve managed to jump onto our radar and everybody knows it. Apparently they’re quite a hit around town, what once was a crowd of privileged assholes reminding them of how out of place they all are around here, have now turned into their own little fan club and groupies. That means trouble for us.

No one can sense this shift of power, it’s bad for fucking business. It’s how empires are taken over, how whole civilizations collapse. A ripple in the kingdom we rule, although it’s as corrupt as they come, it’s still ours to inherit, to control. We have no intention of burning it to the ground, our only goal is to free it from the shackles of its tyrants. Yet as I stand here watching how they all interact with their classmates, I’m not sure it’s all that bad. In war, the only thing more important than the enemy you fight, is the allies you create.

“Ugh I can’t believe they’re still fucking here.” I turn to my right and find the queen of queens standing beside me glaring daggers in their direction. She looks pissed, I’d even go as far as saying jealous as she watches what the little group of less fortunate foster siblings has become. “I mean I get the appeal, the guys are sexy as fuck, all tattooed and dangerous,”

“We’re tattooed and dangerous,” Alek says from my left, rolling up his sleeves to reveal the ink splattered along his forearms.

“No you have like two measly tattoos. They are covered in them from head to toe and it’s, Mhmmmm,” Carrington moans, as she bites down on her lip. She’s in her usual attire, the Servite uniform tailored to look more like something that Sailor Moon chick would wear.

However, the look on her face as she watches the punks, matches something you’d find in a porn video. “Someone misses my boy Ace,” Alek mocks, causing Carrington to glare murderously at him, but never once does she deny it. Her obsession with Ace, despite his continuous rejection, had seemed to dissipate since he left earlier this month. I guess it’s finally hit her, he’ll never be hers.

“At least Scarlett is gone,” Winter, Ace’s sister, and the indifferent, cold-hearted, true leader of the posse, scoffs from behind us, interrupting Carrington and her snide comments. I turn to find the ice princess glued to her phone, not even bothering to look their way. Her platinum almost white hair is cut short in a bob that falls right above her shoulders, combed into loose beach waves, and held back with a black headband. Like Carrington, her outfit has been altered, though on Win, I’m shocked to say it looks nice. Slutty chic.

I smile sheepishly at her, understanding her reluctance to accept her brother’s girlfriend, having had the same issue once, before I got to know Scar. “Yeah Win, but you’re forgetting your brother is too, not to mention your psycho uncle has moved her into your house,” I answer, but she doesn’t bother looking my way.

“Ace is a fucking idiot for leaving because of her,” she continues, never once looking away from her screen. “But we already knew that. As for Wes, we all know he’s nothing to me. Just some fucker who shares my blood and jovial attitude.”

I grin wider at the sarcasm coating her voice as I turn back to watchthe punkstalking comfortable amongst each other. “Ugh whatever, who gives a fuck about the dirty trash whore,” Carrington whines, smugly placing her hands on her hips. “She’s gone and we’re all better off for it. Now all we need to do is get rid of the other two and we’re back in business.” By the other two I assume she’s referring to Jade and Ruby.

I lean back against the table we’ve deemed ours since freshman year, crossing my hands over my chest as I watch Carrington Prescott turn green with envy. “My, my Carrie, looks like you and your queens are afraid of a little competition.”

“Puh-lease,” Kinsley scoffs, suddenly appearing from behind Carrington, moving around me and standing directly at my side. I can’t deny the sense of hatred that washes over me the moment I hear her voice. “As if those two could ever compare, or even come close to us. They're insignificant and completely subpar.”

“They’re worth more than the four of you combined,” I snap, my rage getting the best of me at Kinsley’s continuous insulting of Jade. “No offense Drea,” I add, turning to Alek’s twin sister who despite being part of the group, never has a say in anything.

For some reason this catches Winter’s attention. “Don’t tell me, you too?” she asks, but I don’t seem to catch what it is she’s talking about. She starts to laugh, an oddity for the ice princess who only has two settings, cold & cruel, just like her brother. She’s the meanest of mean girls, the kind who won’t outwardly insult you for being beneath her like Carrington, or bitch at how jealous she is of you like Kinsley, or silently stand back and watch you take a beating from the other two like Drea. No Winter is the worst of the four Queens of Servite Academy. Winter Servite simply doesn’t give a fuck. Not about anyone, least of all a couple of punks who’ve come to stain the pristine reputation of our school. She cares about no one, except her dear twin brother Ace, and apparently thebitchwho’s taken him from her. I’ve always viewed Winter as a little sister of sorts. Her, Ace, and I, along with Alek, Drea, and Stella all grew up together and were pretty close before the guys and I were recruited to join our father’s cavalry, therefore ending our childhood, and forcing us to grow the fuck up. The girls also went their separate ways when Winter and Drea started hanging around more with Carrington, leaving poor Stella all on her own, with no one to rely on but herself.

Come to think of it, it’s always been poor Stella, all alone, no friends, no family. However, I realize that’s all changed as I turn my attention back to the group and find Stella standing right in the middle of their tight knit pack. Somehow, for some inexplicable reason, I feel a deep pang of jealousy within me.

“Of course you’ve also fallen in deep, let me guess with the wolf?” Winter asks, coming to stand beside me, though she’s obviously not expecting an answer because she already has it all figured out.

“Maybe we should go pay her a little visit,” Carrington adds, a cunning smirk taking over her pout. “Let’s go and inquire how good our big man here is in the sack.”

“Leave her out of it. I’m fucking serious. This is my one and only warning to you, all of you,” I shout, looking at the four girls and including Alek and Beck in the mix, “Stay the fuck away from Jade.”