Page 18 of The Monster in Me

“Fuck you asshole,” I shout, my hands flat against his chest pushing him off of me. He takes a step back caught off guard by my actions as a wicked smirk appears making him look devilishly sexy. His dark hair is slightly outgrown and free of product making the soft waves fall over his brows. Yup, I’m hella aroused again and he knows it, but I can’t give in tonight, for my sanity alone I need to stand my ground. He doesn’t get to insult me and then fuck me. “If anyone here is a slut it’s you,” I shout, stepping into him. Big. Fucking. Mistake.

His lips find mine assaulting me in a forceful yet exhilarating kiss, our tongues sloppily tangling together as his hands find my hair and tug my head back to allow his mouth better access. He takes my bottom lip in between his sucking it and roughly biting down before releasing me. “Fuck,” I cry out. Son of a bitch it hurts.

His eyes fill with need and a desperate yearning echoes in his voice as he pulls away, “I’ve never denied it baby.”

His thumb finds my lips rubbing over the area he bit, a small drop of blood coating his fingertip as he brings it to his mouth to suck. “You’re such a fucking dick,” I scoff turning away from him, but not making it anywhere before he reaches out, grabs me by my fucking neck pulling me back into him. My thighs clench together and I feel my pussy start to pulsate in need.What the fuck is wrong with me?This should be pissing me the fuck off not turning me on.

Sharp teeth find my chin, a wet tongue trailing its way up, over my mouth and my cheek, licking clean the sweat that’s been dripping profusely. “A dick you love to wrap your pretty little mouth around, a dick you like harshly thrusted in and out of you as you desperately moan and cry out my name. A dick you want in every fucking way.”

I purr, literally purr like a fucking needy cat, my insides set aflame by his words. I should be disgusted, abhorred, but instead I’m contemplating dropping to my knees before him, yanking his dick out of his pants, and making him come with mypretty little mouth. But I don’t. I find some hidden courage, maybe brought forth by the alcohol coursing through my veins and slap him flat palmed right across his gorgeously smug face. I catch him off guard, it’s the only reason my hand makes any contact with his cheek and isn’t gripped tightly in his hold. He’s stunned, his eyes turn black, enraged with fury, jaw clenched and hands fisted at his sides. It’s absolutely terrifying and for once I heed to the warning of imminent danger. So I do what I do best, I run.

I rush over toward the restrooms at the far right of the club, behind the bar, and under the second-floor staircase, pushing through the crowds of people practically fucking in the middle of the dancefloor. Looks like I’m not the only horny bitch here. My vision is blurry, a deafening ringing in my ear and my mouth exceedingly dry. I don’t turn to see if he’s following me, I’m too terrified to find out, I just keep running pushing through hard, clammy bodies until I’m out of sight. Out of breath, I reach a dark hallway, my hand moving to push the ladies room door open when another hand comes around my waist hauling me up into the air and slamming my back against the concrete wall.

“Fuck,” I cry out, closing my eyes and cringing at the pain pulsating on my back.

“Word around town is you like it rough darling.” I freeze, my heart dropping to my feet, my blood running ice cold, as a thick cloud of dread consumes me. That voice, that crass, hair raising voice I’d recognize anywhere. “Is that why your man is such a fucking asshole packing a hell of a punch. You a fighter darling?” he asks, my eyes still closed refusing to look up at him.

“Let go of me,” I pant, my voice low and dripping with fear. “Please let go.” I want to scream at the top of my lungs, I want to shout out for Sebastian and beg him to come and save me even though I was just running from him, because this monster before me is more terrifying than he could ever be, but no words come out of my mouth. I’m in shock, speechless, and unable to move.Where the fuck is he?

“Your boy isn’t coming for you, he was, how can I put it, intercepted.” My eyes go wide at his admission, fear reveling in my gut at the thought of something happening to Sebastian because of this asshole and his goon. “Don’t worry darling, we’ll keep that pretty little face of his intact.”

“Boss wants her in one piece Skeet,” says another familiar voice appearing from the shadows. Speaking of his goon.

“Yeah that’s the only thing saving you darling, Boss Man doesn’t like it when I play with his toys, at least not until he’s had his turn.” I begin to kick and push against him but it’s no use. Once again I’m too far gone, the alcohol not only clouding my mind but weakening me, making me vulnerable to another attack.

“Let go you fucking asshole,” I scream but his hand quickly comes up to muffle my mouth. I contemplate biting his hand again but choose against it, I’m already in an extremely dangerous situation no need to further piss Psycho Skeet off.

“Don’t worry darling, you’re safe for now. Boss Man wants to have a little meet and greet with Sebastian Silver’s special lady.” Skeet’s eyes wander over me, his gaze filled with lust as he takes in my outfit. “Mhmmmm,” he mumbles as he sets me down. “What a shame.”

“You’re going to follow us, quietly and obediently, or you’re pretty boy is going to get a nice little beating.”

Panic consumes me at the mere thought of my man coming to harm. Yes he’s mine, it’s about time I accepted it. “Don’t fucking touch him,” I growl, sounding like the fierce Little Wolf he knows and loves.

The two henchmen lead me up the staircase to the VIP area we were in when Ace had his party here about a month ago. This time however the space is much less crowded, darker, and covered in a thick fog of cigar smoke. I can barely make out the sights before me, but the moment Skeet and his comrade step out of my way I know exactly who I am here to see.

Sitting directly in front of me on the large gold and velvet couch, is an alluring man dressed to the nines in an expensive, perfectly tailored navy suit that screams power. His hair is long and dark swept to one side while his face is clean and free of any imperfections except for a lone scar that crosses from the top of his left eyebrow down to his chiseled jaw. Instead of making him ghastly deformed it adds to the dark and dangerous appeal. Scarface, as I’ve just donned him, sits casually, one leg crossed over his knee with a thick Cuban cigar between his pointer and middle finger. I find myself unable to look away. I can tell he notices when a devious smirk appears in place of his scowl, green cat-like eyes boring into mine as he stands and slowly struts in my direction. It feels as if the room has suddenly shrunk in size and is caving in, leaving just him and I standing. There is no explanation needed. I feel it in my soul, this is Kane Dalton.

“My men were not exaggerating when they said Sebastian Silver’s girlfriend was the most beautiful woman they’d ever seen,” he murmurs, his voice hoarse and aggressive as he stops right before me. He’s tall and towers over me, not massive like Sebastian, however easily over six feet. “It is a pleasure to meet you Jade Wolfe,” he adds, extending his hand out to shake mine.

I don’t move a goddamn muscle, don’t even bother looking down at his outstretched hand before me, I simply keep my eyes glued to his trying my hardest to hide the fear coursing through me and keep my glare as impassive as possible. “I wish I could say the same, Kane Dalton.”

There is a bright gleam in his eyes as his name leaves my mouth, but he doesn’t look surprised that I’m aware of who he is. This is a man who knows how powerful he is and likes to be reminded other’s know it as well. He thrives not only on showing off his wealth and status, obvious in the way he presents himself, but also his notoriety. There are some men, powerful men who lead the most dangerous of regimes, that like to remain in the shadows or hidden behind the persona they’ve created. Something tells me Kane Dalton likes to show everyone who is in charge.

“I see you’ve heard about me,” he asks, clearly not expecting a response. Nonetheless I give him one letting him know I know exactly who he is.

“Kane Dalton, ill-famed leader of The Order, whoever the fuck they are,” I stop, glaring at the men who’ve suddenly stood up and moved to circle around theirboss. They’re all equally well dressed but vary in appearance. Bald heads, thick beards, short, tall, round, fat, muscular, but all have one thing in common. You don’t want to be caught in a room alone with any of them, and here I am, alone, in a room, with them all.

He lets out a loud chuckle, the men behind him joining in like good little minions. “Beautiful and funny, it’s no wonder Silver has changed his ways for you.” Once again his goons follow in their leader’s footsteps, laughing at his snide remark. It’s a mockery how they all stand there acting like they know a goddamn thing about me or myrelationshipwith Sebastian.

“Who’s to say I’m any better,” I blurt out letting my rage get the best of me. “What if I’m the corrupted one, looks can be deceiving. You are a perfect example actually.” Probably not the smartest thing to say but I’m too drunk to filter out my thoughts before they leave my lips.

“Oh really,” he says, curiosity evident in his glare, “and how is that?” He takes a step closer and I take two steps back but find Skeet and his buddy right at my back. In all honesty, the two fuckheads behind me seem like the bigger threat. Then again that might just be Kane’s beguiling disguise at work.

“I’m not one to form unfair opinions of someone before getting to know them, but something tells me Mr. Dalton, you are not as wholesome as you appear.” A wide grin spreads across his face, seemingly impressed by my boldness as he motions for me to join him further into his lair.

“I like you Jade, you have this lovely charm about you, it reminds me much of what I was like at your age.” I don’t willingly follow him back to the couch he was sitting on but am forced to by Skeets' friend who’s pushing me forward. Kane looks not much older than my father who had my brother when he was about my age, and me three short years later. I’d definitely say he’s younger than forty but with the scar on his face it’s hard to tell.

“What the fuck am I doing here?” I ask, frustrated by the men around here acting all high and fucking mighty. This must be what my sister was going through with Wesley Servite yet she left and went to work for him. Of course I now know it’s out of some obscene threat he made against her and Ace, but nonetheless she’s there and not here with me.

“No reason in particular just wanted to get to know the girl my men won’t stop yakking about.” My eyes bulge out in fear as I turn and look toward Skeet who eyes me with a frightening desire. It makes me fucking sick. “However there is no need to fear them my love, they know that you are now deemed off limits. No harm is to come to you from The Order.”

I turn to him, stunned, and confused by his remark, yet grateful. I get a weird feeling however, that hiskindnessisn’t at all altruistic. I’m about to speak but I'm distracted by the large tattoo wrapped around his neck that I hadn’t noticed earlier. The large sigil is a pyramid of sorts surrounded by three other smaller ones at each of the triangles corners, which somewhat resemble Celtic knots.

“Why?” I whisper, for only him to hear. He reaches for a stick one of his men hands him, the veins in his neck tightening as he swallows down a gulp of the amber liquid. “Well for one you are of obvious importance to Sebastian and secondly, I now consider you a friend. As a friend of Kane Dalton, you are a friend of The Order and therefore untouchable.”

“And who the fuck is The Order?” The men behind Kane advance all of them with darkening scowls, and loud grunts at my dismissal and subtle insult.

“All in good time love, for now all you need to know is we’re friends, and in a world like the one you now find yourself in, you can never have too many.”