Page 106 of The Monster in Me

There it is, his true intentions, the motivations that have driven him to do all of this. My mother. He hasn’t gotten over the fact that she took the money and left him, left us. His pride and ego took a major hit that day and his life’s purpose has been to show me what it feels like. Unfortunately for him, I stopped caring about the woman who gave birth to me when I was seven years old and he himself beat me to a pulp for wishing on my birthday candles she’d come back for me.

“You're a monster,” I mutter, pulling my phone out of my pocket. I quickly realize I have no signal. “Where the hell is Ace?”

“Oh son but so are you,” he answers.

“I may be a monster, but the difference is I’ve accepted that side of me, father. I’ve embraced it and learned from it. Do you know why I still call you my father even though you are not one to me?”

“Enlighten me, son,” he mutters, using the word as an insult.

I step forward crowding his space, still a good three inches taller than him. “Because I want to remind myself of everything I aspire to not become. A worthless father, a vile and demented man, a selfish monster. I will never be any of that.” His smile never once fathers, the evil twinkle in his eye more present now than I’ve ever seen. This is amusing to him because he doesn’t believe me. The one thing working against him, he’s never known me. Not the real me, never showed any interest in getting to know that side of me. All he wanted was the heir, the soldier, the second chance at redeeming his esteemed reputation.

He missed out on learning what I am capable of when I want something with every part of my being. And that’s exactly how much I want my little family.

“You have no idea what you will become if you choose to side with her,” he sneers, suddenly slightly uneasy when he realizes I’m not backing down.

“I will be there for my children in every shape, way, or form they need me. I will stand by Jade’s side through thick and thin. I’m not like you, and she is not like my mother,” I say, and the vengeful look in his eyes is proof I hit a nerve.

“They’re all the same son, it’s best you learn that now before you make the biggest mistake, turning your back on this family. I gave you everything, that whore will do nothing but destroy you,” he puts out, but I don’t let him finish.

“You gave me everything but what I really needed. A father. I’m warning you, stay the hell away from them.”

His sinister chuckle echoes in the room, “I’m afraid it’s too late.”

Just as the last word leaves his tongue, Ace comes barging in through the door looking fucking terrified. “We need to go now!” he shouts, clearly rattled by something.

“What is it?” I demand, unable to take any more surprises tonight.

“Bass,” he quietly mutters, a solemn expression taking over the fear. “It’s Jade.” Time stops fucking moving. My heart drops to my feet at the mention of her name. “She’s gone. They broke into the house and took her and the twins.” It feels as if my heart suddenly stops beating as my body silently cringes in excruciating pain. My airways constrict, lungs aching to breathe, and it’s as if I’m burning from the inside out as I replay what he's said in my head.

She’s gone. They broke into the house and took her and the twins.

She never left me, just like I knew she wouldn’t. Nonetheless, she’s still gone, and so are Onyx and Sapphire. My pride and joy. “Who Ace? Who the fuck took them?” I scream off the top of my lungs. His eyes suddenly go wide, looking directly behind me.

“They did,” he says, pointing behind me to where my father stands, smirking wickedly. However, what shocks me the most, is the scowl on Kane Dalton’s face. “Skeet and his men.”

Son of a bitch.

“You fucking kidnapped them!” I shout, pouncing on Kane who stood up at the mention of his goons. His two men catch up to me but not before my fists goes flying into his jaw. “You kidnapped my girlfriend and my six-week-old twins! I’m going to fucking kill you.”

My mind is raging with murderous thoughts and uncontrollable fury. I will end this son of a bitch if he so much as lays a finger on any of them.

“I didn’t…”

“It had to have been you, Dalton. She didn’t want the money. She turned you down so you had to take matters into your own hands. It’s the only explanation.” My voice is frantic at this point, like an out of body experience, I’m on the outside looking in.

“I warned you son,” my father smugly says, distracting me from tearing Kane Dalton apart. Of course it was my father, surely taking matters into his own hands. How did I even for a second doubt it?

Ace interrupts my father and I, clearly shaken up as he explains. “Roman stopped by to check on the girls, he found the front window cracked, the door flung open, and Scarlett passed out on the floor. He was hit over the head and knocked out before he could get to her. Caeli,” his voice trembles in fear, cracking at the mention of his little girl. “She was crying at the top of her lungs. Luckily they’re both okay, but Scar managed to wake Roman up and she told him it was Skeet and some other guy that works with him.”

“Why the fuck didn’t they call us?!” I shout, ready to throw whatever I can get my hands on.

Walking toward me, he hands me his phone. “They have been, but my signal’s been all fucked, I just received this.” With trembling fingers I reach out and take it reading the message from Roman.

ROMAN: Ace we have a fucking problem. Those two fuckers that work for Dalton kidnapped Jade and the twins. You and Bass need to come back ASAP.

ROMAN: Ace what the fuck. Where are you guys? I’m calling and calling but nothing goes through.

ROMAN: Fuck Ace. You guys need to get here. It’s been over three hours. We need to find them.