“Deimos,” Theo warns.

“Fuck off, Cirillo.” His hand leaves my shoulder for a beat and I don’t need to look back to know Alex is flipping him off. “Come on, baby C. You can tell me all about what’s got you so riled up.”

“I’m fine,” I argue.

He stares down at me, and that one look says more than any words could.

“Really, I am.”

“You fancy driving me home? Theo gave me a ride this morning, and I don’t think he’s gonna be feeling all that charitable right now.”

“Sure. Just try not to make my seats smell like sweaty boy.”

“Aw, you love it,” he says, threading his fingers in my hair and dragging me closer to his body.

“Ew, don’t be gross,” I shriek, having no choice but to breathe him in, and damn it, he doesn’t smell gross at all.

“Go get the car warmed up, I’ll be right there,” he promises, releasing me and darting toward the door that leads directly into the locker room and to where my brother is probably telling the rest of the team about whatever disgusting activities he got up to this weekend.

I watch him go with a smile playing on my lips, and the anger that was erupting not so long ago begins to simmer down.

It was irrational. I know that Stella and Emmie were only following orders, orders that I’d have no choice but to follow if they were demanded of me. But that doesn’t stop the whole situation pissing me off.

My phone buzzes as I drop into my car. I’m tempted to ignore it, but the possibility of it being Daemon or Ant is enough to have me pulling it from the inside pocket of my blazer.

Stella: We’re really sorry. Call me later?

I tap the side of my phone, trying to come up with something to reply with.

Calli: I’m sorry I shouted. I’m just struggling with everything atm.

Stella: I’m here. Whatever you need. x

My heart swells at her words, because I know they’re true. Since the first day we met, she’s been nothing but supportive. It’s why I feel so guilty about snapping at her, at them.

“Turn that frown upside down, baby C. You’re too pretty to be sad,” Alex says sincerely after throwing his bags into the back of my car and dropping into my passenger seat, stretching his long-arse legs out.

“I’m good,” I lie, forcing a smile on my lips.

“Hmm… I don’t believe you.”

I glance over at him after putting my car into drive, wishing he’d say anything that would hint at him knowing where I was Friday night.

“So, what had you out watching us run around the football field? You’re not usually one to join our gaggle of admirers.”

“Gaggle?” I ask.

Alex just shrugs. “Shameless sluts, any better?”

I snort a laugh as I pull out of the car park. “About sums them up,” I mutter.

“Aw, come on, baby C. You know you wanted me to take my shirt off too,” he teases.

My cheeks heat as I’m taken back to last weekend when we gatecrashed Toby and Jodie’s little dirty trip away. I was drunk and got caught checking him out. I mean, it’s hardly the crime of the century. Any girl would have a hard time not letting their eyes drop when all that toned skin was right in front of them. But that’s nothing compared to the memory of how we woke up after I was dared to sleep in his bed.

I shake my head, forcing that image from my mind. I need to focus, and letting those butterflies take over as I remember how his body had reacted to mine that morning isn’t going to help the situation.

Is it wrong of me to wonder if being with him would be different from his twin? Hell yes, it is. But I can’t deny that now I’ve had a taste of what I’ve been missing all these years, I’m all for continuing my exploration.