Iknew coming back was going to be torture. I knew I’d end up watching Calli from afar while continuing to pretend that I didn’t really care about anything either she or Alex did.

Calli’s message earlier warning me that she thought he knew about us has been at the forefront of my mind since she sent it. But while she might be worried, I’ve seen nothing to suggest she might be right.

His flirting is as strong as ever, causing my jealousy to rage like a wild beast inside me. Of course, it isn’t helped by the fact that all of us have squeezed our arses into a hot tub that’s definitely designed for fewer people.

Calli is happily sitting on Alex’s lap, wiggling her arse against what I can only assume is his hard cock. I fucking well know mine would be aching if she were on my lap right now.

Nico has spent the past thirty minutes growling at the pair of them, and I can’t say that I’m not all too far behind him with that. But seeing as both have kept their hands above the water to pacify him, I can almost cope. Almost.

The others are all loving life as they drink, and Seb, Alex, Nico and Toby pass a joint around, occasionally letting their girls have a pull on it.

Their laughter and joy is infectious, and after a few more beers and with the warm, relaxing water, I almost find myself enjoying this little break. Even more so when Nico gets dragged into a heated discussion with Seb and Theo about football, and Calli shocks the shit out of me when she slips her hand beneath the surface and twists her fingers with mine.

My eyes find hers as a wave of desire so strong washes through me that I almost reach for her, drag her on my lap, and claim her lips in front of everyone.

What would be the worst that could happen?

Nico puts a bullet through your head.

But would that be so bad?

Calli deserves so much better than me. She’s had her twisted little rendezvous with me now. She’s lost her precious V-card to the devil. She should be looking elsewhere for her future anyway. He’d just be forcing her arm.

“Daemon? Daemon?”

I have no idea how many times Theo calls my name, but I finally drag myself out of my own head after Calli squeezes my hand so hard I have no choice but to focus, noting the way every single person is staring at me.

“Yeah?” I ask as if everything is fine.

“Where’d you go?” Theo laughs. His eyes are blown and glassy, so he probably won’t even remember this exchange in an hour, let alone tomorrow.

“N-nowhere, I’m g-good.” I curse myself for allowing my insecurities to shine through with everyone’s eyes on me.

Calli’s thumb brushes across my knuckles and I breathe a sigh of relief, forcing myself to relax.

“I just wanted to know if you wanted some,” Theo says, offering me his blunt.

“Nah, I’m good with beer.”

“I’m not sure I can stay in here any longer,” Brianna says, stepping out of the water to cool down.

Nico’s eyes immediately drop to her tits.

“You wanna go cool off, Siren?” he asks, clearly more interested in her this evening now that they’re both wasted.

“With you?” she scoffs. “No thanks. I think I’ve got it covered.”

She throws her leg over the side, Nico’s eyes eating her up like she’s just offered herself as his next meal. Which is far from the case. If you believe her words, of course.

She shoots him a look over her shoulder once she’s out that says everything her mouth doesn’t, and Nico quickly jumps over the edge, leaving a tsunami in his wake which causes a huge splash on the other side of the tub.

Brianna squeals, and he takes chase and drags her into the tipi he’s meant to be sharing with Alex once again.

“Looks like I’m bunking with you again, baby C.”

“You’d think that if Nico had such an issue with you hooking up with Alex, he wouldn’t make it so easy for you to do so,” Seb points out.