“What?” he asks with a laugh. “You might try to keep your distance, but you’re one of us and you know it,” he mutters. “Now suck it up and come and be friendly.”

He smiles at me, and the growling of my stomach ensures that I have little choice but to follow him as we step into the vast room that will fix at least one of my problems.

The second I glance at the table Theo and Nico claimed as ours on our first day of sixth form, I realise my day could well be looking up when I find Calli locked in a heated conversation with Seb and Stella, and Alex nowhere in sight.

After a few minutes, Nico cuts the line to join us. The group of boys behind us fights to keep the irritation off their faces, knowing that the second they step out of line with us, what they’re about to choose for lunch will no longer be the most important issue in their lives.

Nico smiles sweetly at them when they manage to contain their annoyance in favour of not having their faces rearranged.

“How’s it hanging, man?” he says, throwing his arm around my shoulder as if we’re tight.

Spoiler: we’re not. And it’s only going to get worse when he realises the only tight thing I’m thinking about right now is his sister’s pussy.

My cock jerks in response to that thought.

I’m fucked. Totally and royally fucked.

“Got any good intel for us on the Italian front?”

“Nico,” Theo growls, irritation laced through his voice that he’s willing to talk about it quite so publicly.

“Oh chill, I’m just yanking your chain. I hardly expect either of you to discuss business in front of those dumb-arse pussies.” He nods to the guys he jumped in front of as I grab a tray and step to the front of the queue, ensuring I give today’s lunch lady my best smile in order to secure extra helpings.

She does me a solid, and soon I’m walking toward the only other tempting thing in this monstrosity of a school.

I sense Theo and Nico following me, but my eyes don’t waver from my angel when Nico barks across the restaurant, “Yo, Jerome, you wanna come sit with the big boys today?”

I look over just in time to see Jerome damn near shit his pants, and I can’t help but smirk.

He’s an okay guy. I’ve worked with him over the past year, training him to shoot and other things his old man hopes will help toughen him up a little. I’m not sure it’s going to have the desired effect. Despite his father and older brother’s best attempts, I just don’t think he’s going to be the kind of soldier they’re hoping for.

Calli looks over at Jerome, sympathy etched onto her face that makes jealousy knot my stomach.

He’s the kind of guy she should be with. Someone kind, dependable, and a hell of a lot less likely to turn up dead after a bad night at work.

He’s destined to be a part of the Family, but he’ll end up working our accounts or something equally as safe and boring.

Ignoring the green-eyed monster that makes me want to drag her out of the room and lock her up somewhere only I can see her, I march up to the table as if everything is right in my world.

Movement by the door catches my eye, and I find Alex standing there with the black eye I gave him the night before, glaring death at me as I lower my arse beside Calli as if I haven’t got a care in the world.

His jaw tics in annoyance.

Sorry, Bro. She’s mine today.

She stiffens the second my shoulder brushes hers, and I have to fight the smirk that wants to curl at my lips, knowing that I’m affecting her.

“You look rough,” she states loudly, turning all attention my way.

Dangerous, Angel. Very dangerous.

“Bad night?” Seb asks, concern pulling at his brows.

“You know how it is,” I mutter, reaching for my fork, more than ready to dive into the array of food on my plate.

“Up all night studying, weren’t you, D?” Theo says snidely as he sits opposite me.

“Something like that. I certainly learned a thing or two.” I shoot a look at the girl next to me, whose hands are balled into fists beneath the table.