“You haven’t been at school this week,” he says when I don’t respond, as if I’m not aware of that fact.

“I’ve been busy.”

“That wasn’t our deal.”

“We’re about to go to war with the fucking Italians.”

My words don’t have the effect I was hoping for as he sits back in his seat and folds his arms over his chest.

“Failing wasn’t a part of our deal, Daemon. You fail and you’ll be starting back there full-time in September, like you should have done to begin with.”

“That’s bullshit,” I spit. “I don’t need fucking A-levels for that shit.” I throw my hand back in the direction of the two passed out and one dead guy behind me.

“Right now, maybe not. But you’ve got a bright future in this Family, boy.”

“That’s funny,” I scoff. “For years you seemed to believe I was useless. Worthless.”

“Your skills just needed harnessing. But that doesn’t mean you won’t succeed at Knight’s Ridge.”

“Whatever,” I mutter, storming toward the door.

“I’m not joking around here, Nikolas.”

My steps falter, all the air rushing from my lungs as the name I despise hearing falling from his lips rattles around my head.

Just that one word from him makes me feel like that young, useless kid he used to accuse me of being.

Sucking in some strength—strength that that little boy never possessed—I hold my head up high and walk away from him.

My heart thrashes in my chest, my hands trembling as I make my way back to the car.

We’re in the middle of nowhere out here, and there’s nothing to hear but my own demons and insecurities.

I’ve got no chance in hell of passing my exams. I barely scraped through last year, but I’ve been more absent than not this year, despite Dad’s jibes and protests. Anything more than a fail is impossible at this point.

“Fuck,” I hiss, dropping into my driver’s seat and resting my head back.

My head pounds, my eyes burn for sleep that I know will never come, and my muscles ache from laying into those cunts quite so hard.

There’s only one thing that relieves it all, and before I know what I’m doing, I’ve put the car into drive and I’m heading back toward the city.

Toward my angel.

My intentions were pure. Well, as pure as my fucking intentions ever are when it comes to Calli.

I was going to slip inside, sate my need for her by watching her sleep like I’ve done countless times before since she moved down here. Hell, I even managed it when she was living upstairs and we’d come around to hang out with Nico. They never noticed any of the times I slipped away when they were distracted, or made an excuse to head up to the main house, because the idea of anything happening between Calli and me, the mere thought that I could have liked her, was absurd. If it were one of the others then Nico probably would have questioned them, accused them of doing something they shouldn’t. But it’s me. And I don’t seem to be subjected to the same line of questioning. I shouldn’t mind. But it’s just another harsh reminder that I wasn’t one of them. I might have been invited to the parties, but I wasn’t really a part of their group.

I suck in a breath before I press my hand to the scanner. The click of the lock makes my stomach knot. Deep down, I was worried she might have asked someone to change the permissions after last night. I can’t help the smirk that curls at my lips. She wanted me to come back. She’s practically begging me inside.

My cock swells as I pull the door open. Her sweet scent engulfs me, and it’s almost enough to remove the stench of death from the past few hours from my nose.

The sound of an owl hooting in the trees is cut off when I close the door behind me, and only the sound of Calli’s soft snores replaces it.

The fear was very real as I drove over here that she wouldn’t be alone. The thought of slipping inside and finding her tucked up in bed with Alex made my blood turn to ice. But one quick check of everyone’s trackers, and I knew she was alone.

Silently, I cut through the room until I’m standing right above her. She’s got her covers pulled right up to her neck so I can’t see what she’s wearing, but I’ve learned over time what her favourite things to sleep in are, and I’d put money on her being in a vest and knickers beneath those teasing sheets.

My teeth sink into my bottom lip as I watch her, my fingers twitching to reach for her, to feel her soft, warm skin against my rough, blood-coated fingers.