Alex barks a laugh as I place the kit on the end of the bed.

“Does that hurt?” I ask, nodding toward the angry wound on his upper arm.

“Nothing I can’t handle.”

“Play the big man all you want, but one of the things I do know about that night in Lovell is that you went running to Mummy to patch you up.”

“There’s nothing wrong with wanting the best nurse in the country to patch up my boo-boo,” Alex states proudly.

“Sure. Sit on the edge then and I’ll— ALEX,” I squeal as his giant hands wrap around my waist and I’m hauled off my feet and deposited over his lap. “Oh no, I’m not—“

“Keep wiggling and things are going to get a lot… harder,” he growls.

“Jesus Christ,” I mutter, my body instantly freezing.

His hands drop lower once he’s confident I’m not going to bolt. He rests them on my hips, his skin burning through my tiny shorts.

“Go on then. Clean me up, baby.”

“I think your mind is entirely too dirty to clean up,” I mutter, reaching for the kit.

A growl rips from his throat as I move over him, and I have to bite back a grin. I might not want to take this further with him, but I can't help loving the power that comes with my position right now.

“Was it necessary to take your shirt off?” I ask innocently, all the while my mind wondering what it would be like to sit with Daemon like this.

“Just making all my best features work for me.”

“And you think your abs are the best thing about you?”

“Of course not. The best bit I kept hidden… for now.”

“You’re a nightmare.”

“You love it. Bet you’re wet as fuck for me right now, baby C.”

“Really?” I ask. “You came to work, remember?”

“Ow, motherfucker,” he barks when I press an anti-bac wipe to the cut in his eyebrow.

“It’s okay, baby. Be a big boy for me.”

“Oh.” He thrusts beneath me, ensuring I don’t miss exactly what he’s hiding. “You have nothing to worry about there.”

My phone dings on the counter in the kitchen and I ignore it while I finish up, refusing to look Alex in the eyes.

The second I’m done, I hop up from his body and damn near run away. He chuckles behind me, and it makes my teeth grind in irritation.

It’s annoying me that he’s playing this game. But it’s infuriating me more that I’m not even sure if it’s a game anymore.

It’s obvious that he wants me. I didn’t need to feel… him beneath me just now to know that. But then, this is Alex we’re talking about. He’s almost as big a man whore as my brother, so I have no doubt that he’d be hard if anyone’s pussy was sitting right above his dick.

I let out a sigh as I dump my rubbish in the bin and open a cupboard in search of drinks, or more so an excuse so that I don’t have to look at him.

“What’s wrong, baby C?” Alex asks, sensing that something is up.

“Nothing,” I hiss, hating that I sound like an overly emotional teenage girl.

The sound of him shifting around on my bed hits my ears, but I refuse to look up and see what he’s doing.