No one knew where the fuck I was. Hell, they didn’t know who I was. But I was there, I was helping. And it was all I wanted in the fucking world.

Alex was asleep when I got home. He had no idea that I’d even snuck out. When Dad returned though, he knew. It was the first time I’d seen real pride shining in his eyes. And it meant every-fucking-thing.

I’d spent my life being the second-rate twin. The dumb one, the unathletic one, the dark one. Suddenly, I had a reason, a purpose, and while we might have lost Drew that night, there was no doubt that I’d saved us loads of lives.

That night changed the course of my future. Thank fuck.

Finally, Dad listened to me about not wanting to do sixth form like I knew the others were excited about. I couldn’t think of anything worse than another two years in full-time education.

I may not have got out of it entirely, but the deal we struck was a million times better than what I was heading toward.

And that wasn’t the only thing that changed. After Isla learned I was the one who saved her daddy’s life, we struck up an unlikely friendship, and something about our bond has lasted.

Honestly, I have no fucking clue what she sees in me. But she tells me often that I help make this life we live more bearable. Fuck knows how, it can’t be my sparkling personality. But fuck if I care when just my presence seems to make her happy. After living a life where my walking in the room had the opposite effect, it’s a nice change.

After dragging on a clean pair of sweats and t-shirt, I let my nose lead the way, the scent of tomato sauce and melted cheese getting stronger with every step I take.

A laugh falls from my lips as I round the corner into my kitchen and find Isla sitting at my island, pulling a slice of pizza away from her mouth, strings of cheese stuck to her chin and sauce on her lips.

“Remind me again why you’re single?” I ask, pulling out the stool beside her and dragging my own box over, flipping the lid and letting the tempting scent waft over me. “My favourite,” I muse, as if she’d order anything else.

“After that comment, I shouldn’t have bothered.”

“You’re not brave enough.” Pulling a slice of my own pizza free, I sink my teeth into it and groan.

Flaming hot. Just like the depths of hell.

The heat of the chilli flakes hits my tongue, and I quickly devour the rest of the slice, craving the pain.

“So, was there any reason why you beat the shit out of Alex?”

“More reason than I usually have?” I mutter around a mouthful.

“Okay, let me guess… it’s about a girl.”

I glare at her over my next slice, my brow creasing with just how fucking transparent I apparently am.

“When have we ever fought over a girl?”

“I dunno.” She shrugs. “But something has been off with you for a while. Something I haven’t been able to put my finger on. And the only thing that makes sense is that it’s to do with a girl.”

“Can you stop psychoanalysing me?” I growl. “You know I hate that shit. I’m not a fucking uni assignment.”

“Thank fuck. Something tells me I’d miss my deadline, because it would probably take a lifetime to really crack you open.”

My eyes narrow at her.

“I’m not that fucked up, I.”

“Sure,” she says, shooting me a grin. “So are you going to deny it, or…”

Rolling my eyes, I humour her with half-truths about the situation. She’ll be like a dog with a bone unless I give her something.

“Alex is going after someone he shouldn’t.”

She considers my words for a few seconds.

“And you’re what, trying to protect this girl’s virtue? How very… noble of you.”