Ilet out a pained sigh as I fall back on my sofa, throwing my arm over my eyes to block out the light.

My head is still fucking fuzzy from those pills, and my need to be with her again is almost too much to ignore.

I’d hoped she might reach out this morning. Have something to say about the fact that I got her riding that very fine edge of her release last night before I disappeared into the darkness almost as fast as I’d appeared.

The sounds of her frustrated cries still ring out in my ears now.

My cock swells as I think about her on top of her kitchen island, finishing herself up with thoughts of me filling her head.

Pushing my hand inside my sweats, I squeeze the base of my dick, my own irritation with myself growing. I wanted her so badly last night. As her taste coated my tongue and filled my mouth, all I could think about was making her scream and feeling her cunt squeezing down on me, letting her feel every single brutal stroke of my cock thrusting deep inside her.

I startle when my front door slams shut a second before a female voice hits my ears.

“Honey, I’m home.“

Quickly rearranging myself so she can’t see my obvious boner, I listen to her light footsteps get closer to me.

“Oh no, what’s wrong? Not killed enough gangster dickheads today to sate your twisted need to become the grim reaper?” Amusement laces her voice, and I can’t help the smirk that twitches at my lips as I lower my arms and blink at her.

Her blonde hair is pulled back from her face, her makeup is as on point as ever, and while she might only be dressed in a hoodie and a pair of jeans, her put-togetherness makes me cringe.

“You’re funny, I,” I mutter, watching as she stalks over to my sofa and glares at my feet until they move.

Dragging my aching body up, I rest back in the corner and pull my legs away.

The second her arse hits the cushion, she turns to me with her nose wrinkled in disgust.

“You need to go shower.”

“Thanks, I. It’s great to see you too,” I quip.

“You know I love you, D. But you stink, and you’re covered in blood.”

I shrug. The blood part isn’t exactly unusual.

“Who were you fighting?” she asks, her eyes finding each bruise and cut I've been left with.


“Should have known,” she says, rolling her eyes.

My smile grows as I remember planting a good couple of solid punches to Alex’s jaw and cheek. He’s hurting way more than me right now, there’s no doubt. The amusing part is that he has no idea why I went so hard on him today.

He just assumes I’m having ‘one of those days’ where I want to rip the world apart more than I usually do.

But it’s not that at all.

It’s her. My angel.

And every time I find out he’s got close to her, it’s going to get worse.

Because she’s mine.

She can humour him, fill his dirty little fantasies all she likes. But we both know that when it comes down to it, it’s going to be my bed she’s warming.

“Go wash that stench from your body and I might just order us food.”