“And he didn’t hurt you?”

“No, Ant. He didn’t.”

All the air rushes from his lungs, cascading over my face in a minty burst as he accepts my words.

Releasing my face, he wraps his arms around my body and drags me back into him.

“Fuck. I’ve been so worried about you. Did he tell anyone else?”

“I-I don’t think so. I don’t know. Fuck. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

I hold him tighter, relieved that Daemon didn’t do what he so easily could have on Friday night.

“I can think of worse ways to go. My last memory would have been your pu—“

“Don’t say it,” I half cringe and half laugh. “God, that was mortifying.”

I plant my forehead in his chest, wishing I could forget about the moment Daemon crashed into the room while Ant was about to dive between my legs.

“I’m sorry I allowed anyone to find you like that. I thought we were safe.“

“It’s not your fault.”

Stepping out of his embrace, I glance over at the windows. If anyone were to look inside…

“We should go somewhere else. If my dad comes home or…” Daemon comes to find me, I think silently.

“Your dad’s busy.”

Dread twists up my insides, and it must show on my face.

“Shit, no, it’s nothing bad. I just know he’s dealing with the fallout of Friday night. Peace talks or some shit, I don’t know. I haven’t got involved.”

“I hate this,” I mutter, walking toward the control panel on the wall and lowering the blackout blinds just in case.

He shouldn’t be here. It’s dangerous. I might be able to block out the world and lock the doors, but that doesn’t mean he’s safe. For all I know, Dad’s already seen him on the security cameras and is heading back to kill whatever guy is brave enough to come down here.

“What if you’ve already been seen?” I blurt, letting my thoughts out.

“I haven’t. Trust me, Sunshine. I’m not going to get you in any more trouble. I fucking promise.”

He closes the space between us and catches my hand in his.

“Fuck, I’ve been so worried about you,” he says cupping my jaw and lowering his brow to mine. “I had all these crazy thoughts running around my head about what they would do to you if they knew.”

“My family wouldn’t hurt me, Ant.”

“Physically no. But they have more than enough power to control you. To stop this. Us.”

“There can’t be an us.”

“I know. Fuck, I know. But it doesn’t stop me from wanting it.”

Pain slices through my chest as if my heart is being ripped in two.

Before I get a chance to come up with a response to that, his lips find mine and I’m powerless but to lose myself in his tender kiss.

It’s soft, gentle, loving, and everything I should want a kiss to be.