“What did you really do this weekend, Callista?”

My teeth grind in irritation.

“None of your damn business,” I hiss, putting a little more effort into moving. Thankfully, he lets me go this time and I storm across the room, leaning over the sofa and grabbing my bag. “You have no right to get all judgemental on me. Not after the way you all act, banging different girls every night of the week.”

When I glance back, I find him standing in the middle of his kitchen withhis face twisted in concern.

“I’m not judging, Calli. I’m just looking out for you.”

“Bullshit. You’re just as bad as Nico and Theo. It’s one rule for you lot and an entirely different one for me. Bunch of hypocrites.”

I get to the door and have my fingers around the handle before he speaks again.

“I’m sorry,” he breathes a beat before the heat of his body warms my back.

I sigh, not wanting to back down when he’s being a dick, but also unable to maintain my irritation. Alex can be such a puppy dog when he wants to be, and it’s hard to say no to him when he turns on the charm.

His hand slips inside my blazer and lands on my waist, his touch burning me through my thin shirt.

My gasp rips through the air when he spins me around and presses me back against the door I was about to escape through.

“I promise, I’m not judging you. You can go out there and sleep with every arsehole that exists, if you want.” The way his eyes flash with anger tells me that that’s not entirely true. “I just…” He squeezes them closed, severing our connection for a second. “Did he treat you well?”

His eyes find mine once more, and a lump grows in my throat at what I find staring back at me.

Why couldn’t it have been Alex?

It’s not the first time I’ve asked myself that, and I’m sure it won’t be the last.

But while I might agree with the rest of the female population at Knight’s Ridge and think he’s hot, and sweet, and did I say hot? He just doesn’t make me feel the way his other half does.

“Did he make your first time special?"

I bite down on my bottom lip to stop the truth from spilling free.

“Fuck,” he barks when I don’t respond. “Did he hurt you? Was he too rough? Just give me his name and I’ll go fuck him up for you.”

Lifting my hand, I press my palm against his chest.

“No, you don’t need to do that.” Although, I have no doubt that if—when—he discovers the truth, he’ll beat Daemon’s arse for it. That’s if Nico and Theo give him a chance. “He was…” I focus on the more pleasant parts of my time with Daemon. “Sweet.”

Alex’s thumb grazes my stomach as he stares down at me. His eyes drop to my lips for a beat and my heart lurches in my chest at the prospect that he’s about to kiss me.

Thankfully, he thinks better of it and takes a step back, giving me some room to breathe.

“So, that English assignment,” he says somewhat nervously, combing his fingers through his damp hair.

I should leave. But the thought of stepping through that door and walking headfirst into Daemon is enough to put me off, so, in the end, I just smile up at him and push from the door saying, “Sure.”