“Where was Daemon today?” I ask, hoping like hell it doesn’t sound as suspicious as the words feel as they roll off my tongue.

I was half expecting for Alex to tell me to go to Stefanos’ place. The guys keep teasing him for not fully moving yet. And I must admit that being back here after running away less than twenty-four hours ago has me a little on edge.

I really should have thought this through. Much like everything else I’ve done recently.

“Fuck knows,” Alex mutters, throwing another two chips into his mouth.

“I thought he was in on Mondays.”

Alex’s eyes meet mine over the coffee table separating us as we eat, and my heart jumps into my throat.

“You know as well as I do that he does what he wants.”

I shrug, trying to play it off like I don’t care.

“Your knuckles look sore,” I say, changing tact.

He glances down at his busted hands before reaching for his burger.

“Fucking Italians. They’re too hard-headed for their own good.”

“What’s happening there?”

Alex pauses mid chew.

“Baby C, you know I can’t tell you that.”

In a low move, I lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees and thrusting my tits together, knowing he’ll be able to see straight down my shirt.

“Oh yeah? Because I think you can tell me everything. You’re just a pussy who follows orders like a good little boy.”

“Calli,” he growls, his eyes predictably dropping to my chest. “If you want something, just come out with it. I’m not in the mood for games. I’ll give you anything.” He winks before biting down on his bottom lip temptingly.

“I just want to know what’s going on. Stella said you’ve got two Italians locked up somewhere.”

“Yep. Pair of fucking cunts cried like babies about it, too,” he says proudly.

“Who are they? Capos, or…” I push, desperate to find out something, anything about Ant.

“One is. The other is a soldier. Ricardo’s cousin, or nephew or something.”

I have to fight to smother my reaction.

“I wasn’t involved with the planning. Just a part of the execution.”

“So I’m assuming they’re going to be retaliating at some point soon,” I say, impressed by how steady my voice is despite the panic that’s raging within me.

“We’ve got a couple of guys on the inside. We’ll know when they’re going to strike,” he says after swallowing a mouthful. All the while my food sits on the coffee table, mostly untouched.

I lied about being hungry to get up here, and now my appetite is non-existent.

“I sense a warning about looking over my shoulder coming,” I mutter.

“We’re not about to lock you up, Cal. Although,” he mutters, deep in thought, “I’m sure I could keep you more than entertained here for a few weeks.” He wiggles his brows at me and I shake my head.

“You’re insufferable.”