Someone found my car in Italian territory and brought it back.

Someone knows. Or at least suspects.


Not having enough time or brainpower to take Mum’s key back, I drop it into my school bag and head toward my car.

Pulling the driver’s door open, I find my handbag sitting there, waiting for me ominously.

If I’d had the stomach to eat or drink anything since I last threw up its contents, I’d be doing it again as I stare down at the evidence I really don’t need that someone knows where I was Friday night.

Feeling anything but prepared for facing anyone, I throw my bag onto the passenger seat and drop down.

After putting my phone on to charge, it quickly lights up with incoming messages.

I start to wonder how Stella and Emmie allowed me to disappear for a weekend, but I quickly discover the truth when I open our chat to find that I never really disappeared.

I scroll back, finding that I’ve replied to messages over the past couple of days, making it look like everything was good with me. And to my utter astonishment, I’ve even given the same excuse for hibernating that I did to Stella this morning.

It’s nothing more than a coincidence, but it’s freaky as fuck.

“Who did this?” I mutter to myself, going back to my inbox to hunt for clues. But there are none. And it only leaves me with more questions than I already had.

It can’t have been Dad, Nico, or Theo. They surely would have had something to say about finding my car on enemy soil and my belongings in one of their bedrooms.

Was it Ant? Or someone he trusted to bring it back? Would they be brave enough to drive straight into Evan Cirillo’s driveway? I’d like to think not. But why would one of Dad’s guys do it and not say anything?

One name stands out in my mind.


Recently, we’ve struck up something of a friendship.

I’ve barely tolerated Nico’s friends over the years, but something’s shifted recently. We’ve found some kind of common ground, and I’ve discovered that beyond the stupid jokes and innuendoes, he’s actually a pretty decent guy.

Not that I’d ever admit that to him.

But something tells me he’d have my back.

He’d want to protect me, I’m sure of it.

There’s only one way to find out if I’m right.

I bring my car to life and back out of my space, ready to embark on another joyous day surrounded by the elite of Knight’s Ridge.