A starburst of joy exploded inside him, but the initial sparks hadn’t even faded yet before her next words brought it all crashing down.

“But I need some time.”

A chill swept through the late-summer air, reminding them that fall was right around the corner and that no season, no matter how beautiful or beloved, lasted forever.

“What does that mean?” Sammy’s heart picked up pace, and he regretted all the champagne he’d drunk earlier. “You love me. I love you. That should be enough.”

Olivia pressed her fingers to her temple, her face twisted in torment. “Do you remember what you told me in Lake Tahoe?”

He responded with a blank stare.

“It’s not about love,” she said softly. “It’s about timing.”

Sammy stepped back. He needed space, air,something,because even though they were outside, he felt as though walls were closing in on him. “Is this about your job? Because—”

“No. Yes. No.” Olivia squeezed her eyes shut. “It’s not just that. It’s me. I’m a mess, and I don’t—I’m not in the right headspace for us. Not right now.”

“Why? What happened?” He scanned her face, searching for something—anything—to pin his hopes to. All he saw was pain and evasion—she wouldn’t meet his eyes. “Tell me. We can get through it together.”

“I wish I could, but I’m not ready to talk about it right now.” Her voice cracked. “I’m sorry. I need some time to sort things out first. Once I do, I’ll explain everything. I promise.”

Sammy took another step back, his heart tearing itself apart in confusion. “You can do better than that.”

Hurt washed over her features. “What?”

“‘It’s not you, it’s me’ might be the most played out excuse of all time.” A muscle twitched in his jaw, pulsing in rhythm with his beaten heart. “If you don’t want me, just say it. Don’t string me along. Don’t tell me you love me, then turn around and say you can’t be with me. This isn’t a game, Liv!” It was his voice’s turn to crack. “This is us.”

More tears slipped down her cheek. This time, Sammy didn’t wipe them away.

Instead, he shoved his hands in his pockets, every inch of him screaming with pain and frustration. Why did it always have to be this hard? What did they do in their past lives that they had to keep going through this cycle? Love, heartbreak, rinse and repeat. When did it end?

“I know that! I’m not playing a game.” Olivia sounded as frustrated as he felt.

“Then what? Are you punishing me for what happened in San Francisco? If so, I’ll fucking get on my knees. Beg. Call your boss myself and tell him I’m the one who fucked up—”

“No.” She shook her head and pressed her fist to her mouth. “I told you, it’s not that. I just need—”

“Time. For a problem you refuse to talk about, but that’s apparently turned you into a mess—even though you’re never a mess,” he said. “Yeah, I heard you the first time. I don’t know what would be worse—you lying or you not trusting me enough to let me in on what’s happening.”

Blood roared in his ears, and it was all he could do to remain upright.


He paused at the abrupt cutoff in her words and followed her gaze toward the other side of the marble statue they’d been standing behind until a few seconds ago. Kris and Nate, the bride and groom themselves, stared back with bemused expressions.

Shit.Sammy and Olivia had kept their relationship a secret from their study abroad friends over the summer because they’d wanted time to enjoy each other’s company before everyone got into their business, and because there’d been so much uncertainty about what would happen once Olivia graduated from business school. The last thing they needed was to announce they were back together, only to break up again in front of the people who’d witnessed every moment of their roller coaster ride.

Sammy had told Nardo after his and Olivia’s breakup, but judging by Kris’s smirk and Nate’s huge eyes, they clearly thought they’d caught Sammy and Olivia—who, in their minds, were supposed to despise each other—making out in the bushes.

Technically, they were correct, except that wasn’t the whole story.

“Hello,” Kris drawled. “Nice night for a stroll.”

Heat scorched Sammy’s face; he could see Olivia turn a similar shade of scarlet out of the corner of his eye. Her tears had dried, but he could sense the tension vibrating through her.

“Y-yeah.” Olivia inched away from Sammy, clearly unnerved by the audience. “Um, I’m going to rejoin the party. See if...anyone needs help.”

She took off, her hair and dress a blur as she practically ran back to the reception, taking with her whatever she’d been about to say before Kris and Nate showed up.