“So? It’s a small world. You can’t prove—”

“My investigator had an interesting chat with Bobby, who happens to be quite a whiz in the kitchen. Works as a production baker for a rival bakery, in fact. He also happens to have loose lips once he’s threatened with a lawsuit. Said you paid him a thousand bucks to replicate one of my cupcakes, bake a roach into it, and post it online. Now, why would you do that, Eddie?” Sammy’s tone remained conversational. “I thought we were family.”

“Fuckin’ Bobby,” Edison snarled. “That man doesn’t have two brain cells to rub together. He’s always hated you, you know. Amanda is a big fan—but then, she’s always been dumb too, and a shitty paralegal to boot—and he couldn’t stand it. Always hanging around outside our office waiting for her, complaining, being a useless piece of shit. Thought I’d fuck with him one day and said I overheard Amanda telling her friend she was sexting you.” He chuckled. “The stupid oaf bought it. He even showed up at your little shop. Too bad he was too much of a pussy to do anything. Hey, at least it was easy to convince him to mess with you. Business has boomed at the bakery he works at ever since the tweet went viral. Of course, most of that money goes to the owner, not Bobby, but that’s not my problem.”

Sammy forced himself not to throw his piece of shit cousin on the ground and beat him senseless. A few punches were one thing; murder was another, and he refused to go to jail because of Edison.

“Why?” he demanded. “We’ve never been close, but we’re family. Why would you do something so despicable?”

“Why?” Edison’s voice rose. “Because I can! BecauseI’mthe star of the family, not you! I went to Harvard. I’m a fuckingpartnerat my law firm. But all anyone talks about is you. Sammy, Sammy, Sammy. Even when we were kids, you were everyone’s favorite.” His eyes flashed with venom. “No one except me sees what a loser you really are, so I have to show them. How’s business been lately?” His sneer returned. “Heard you had to pause the expansions on the East Coast. What a shame.”

Sammy felt sick. He couldn’t believe he was related to someone so vindictive. Psychologists would have a field day with Edison—he was the textbook definition of a narcissist.

“Sorry to disappoint, but the expansions are going ahead as planned. Crumble & Bake will survive. So will I. But you?” He tightened his grip on Edison’s shirt. “You’ll always be a sorry excuse of a cousin and human being. Oh, and thanks for your little speech.” He waved his phone in the air. “I got it all on tape.”

Then, because he couldn’t help himself, Sammy punched Edison one last time for good measure. While the other man screamed and crumpled to the ground, he got back in his car and drove to the bakery.

He had a business to save.