When Sammy found out she hadn’t explored much of the city yet because of work, he’d offered to take her on a whirlwind tour of San Francisco at night.

Unlike Logan’s sleazy proposition, Olivia took Sammy up on his offer immediately.

Their first stop, which they just completed: food.

Their second stop: after-hours at a science museum.

“This is so cool.” Olivia cast an impressed glance at the museum’s soaring walls and spotlit exhibits. “The last time I attended an after-hours museum event, Farrah and I got drunk and almost knocked over a priceless statue.”

“You could get drunk if you want. There’s a themed party in the main hall with a dance floor, DJ, and everything.”

“No, thanks. Not tonight.” She wrinkled her nose. She was still traumatized from last week’s virus. She hadn’t contracted it from alcohol, but her mind had linked the two together and she didn’t plan on imbibing cocktails anytime soon.

Instead of joining what sounded like an admittedly wild party, they wandered through the exhibits, cracking silly jokes and coming up with crazy stories for the animals they passed along the way. Olivia wasn’t a big museum person, but between the interactive demonstrations, the novelty of visiting at night, and Sammy’s dry, witty commentary, she was having a blast.

“Do you ever miss it?” she asked as they passed under a tunnel in the aquarium. Brightly colored fish swam over and around them, making her feel like Ariel under the ocean.

“Miss what?” He placed a hand on the small of her back and guided her to the side to allow a group of giggling college girls past. Her traitorous heart fluttered at the small, simple touch.

“Math. Science. You know.” Olivia waved a hand in the air. “Do you ever think of going back to those fields?”

“No." A simple answer. “I’m happy with where I am in my career.”

“That’s good.” Olivia fiddled with her bracelet, her heart aching when she remembered how little faith she’d had in him but also bursting with joy because Sammy had done it. He’d made his dream come true, and she was so freakin’ proud of him. “I’m happy you’re happy. You deserve it. What you’ve done with the bakery is amazing.”

Sammy’s throat bobbed. A shadow of an unidentified emotion crossed his face before it disappeared. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

They stared at each other, and the world fell away. Olivia wanted nothing more than to kiss him again, but she wasn’t sure where they stood, and she didn’t want to make things awkward, especially since they were leaving for Lake Tahoe tomorrow.

“Are there any other exhibits you want to see?” Sammy broke eye contact first. “Museum’s closing soon.”

Disappointment snaked through her, which was silly. What had she expected him to do? Grab her, pin her against the wall, and kiss her senseless with all the fish and other museum-goers watching?

Yeah. Kinda.

“No, I’m good.” Olivia pasted on a smile. “What’s next?”

The answer: a ride in one of San Francisco’s iconic cable cars, which was far less crowded this time of day. In fact, there were only three people in Olivia and Sammy’s car besides them and the driver.

Olivia’s earlier disappointment faded as the city whizzed by in a blur of lights. The clanging of the bells, the groaning of the car every time they went up and down a hill—it fed the innate sense of adventure that she’d buried beneath work and school for too long. Whenever they passed a famous landmark, Sammy would throw out a fun fact or piece of trivia. She informed him he would make an excellent tour guide, to which he merely laughed.

They ended the night at Twin Peaks, where they soaked in sweeping views of San Francisco laid out in all its glittering glory. Luckily, there was no fog, and Olivia could see all the way down Market Street, downtown, and the lit-up Bay Bridge. An entire city at their feet, sparkling like a thousand fallen stars.

Olivia shivered, her pulse pounding at the sight. At that moment, she could see herself falling in love with the city. New York was her first love, but there was something magical about seeing San Francisco like this, here, with Sammy by her side. It felt...right.

“You cold?” Sammy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she shivered harder—not necessarily from the chill penetrating her layers of clothing.

“A little.” She sank deeper into his warm embrace. She wasn’tthatcold—she’d had the foresight to bring her warmest coat—but shewasa shameless opportunist. So what? Like any woman would turn down the chance to snuggle in Sammy’s arms.

“I have an extra jacket in the car. I can grab it.”

Olivia snorted. “If I put on another layer, I won’t be able to move. I already feel like the Marshmallow Man.”

Sammy flashed a crooked grin. “A very cute Marshmallow Man.”

She couldn’t tell if he was flirting or just being nice. Regardless, her heart rate picked up and her cheeks warmed. At least it was dark and he couldn’t see how red she was. “Haha.”Oh God.Her laugh sounded like a horse braying.

Sammy, fortunately, didn’t comment on it.