“We’ll be there in August,” Alina continued. “We’re staying at the Z Hotel, but we should have a family brunch. I haven’t seen you in a while, and you’re one of my bridesmaids. Not to mention my sister.”

Maybe I’d see you more if I were your maid-of-honor.

Olivia bit back her caustic reply. “Sure,” she replied instead. “Looking forward to it.”As much as I look forward to a root canal without anesthesia.

“Excellent. Good night.”

“Good night.”

Olivia hung up and heaved a deep sigh as she looked around her room, which suddenly felttooquiet. She was still apartment hunting in her free time, but nothing that met her budget and requirements had surfaced yet. At this rate, she might as well stay at Sammy’s house through the summer.

The idea didn’t freak her out as much as it should have.

She’d seen Sammy’s car in the driveway, which meant he was home. He was probably sleeping—he had early nights when he planned to go into the bakery the next day.

Olivia was horrified to realize part of her was tempted to wake him up just so she had someone to talk to. Sammy was one of the best listeners she knew, and when they weren’t sniping at each other, she loved talking to him. If they were dating, she wouldn’t think twice of barging in his room and laying her troubles at his feet—not to mention rewarding him afterward with a blowjob. She’d done that in Shanghai more often than she cared to admit.

Since theyweren’tdating, she settled for a few chapters of her latest erotica read instead. Reading was the closest thing she had to therapy without actually going to therapy. Plus, her first book club meeting was tomorrow, and she couldn’t wait.

Olivia needed new friends in the city, stat. Otherwise, she’d go crazy—ordosomething crazy, like sneak into Sammy’s room and finish where they’d left off on the Fourth of July.