A hint of amusement flared in his eyes. “Most people would’ve said ‘you’re welcome.’”

“I’m not most people.”

“I know.” Nate’s voice lowered. Became more intimate. “Trust me. I know.”

The words flowed through Kris’s veins like honey until she remembered the last conversation they’d had.

I can’t do this.

This has always been a short-term thing for me.

She ignored the sudden, painful clench in her chest. “Was that all? Teague is waiting for me.”

Turned out the other man’s name was a trigger because all traces of amusement disappeared from Nate’s face and a growl rumbled from his chest. “Are you two together?”

Kris couldn’t believe he had the nerve to ask her that. They broke up less than a week ago. Did he think she had backup boyfriends on speed dial? Even if she did… “That’s none of your damn business.”

“You’re Skylar’s mentor, which means what you do affects her, and what affects her affects me.”

That was a leap, jump, and stretch, and they both knew it.

“Fine. Maybe I am dating him,” Kris snapped. “I took your advice and found someone ‘more like me.’ We come from the same social circle. We eat in the same restaurants and vacation in the same places. And…” Time for the knockout blow. “He’s the best kisser I’ve ever had.” Total lie, and a contradiction of what she told him the day Teague took them flying. But Nate apparently believed her, because shock and dismay rippled across his features.

Nothing dented a male’s pride like having his physical prowess undermined.

The sight should’ve elicited satisfaction, but Kris felt no pleasure. Only sadness. When had they become so cruel and vindictive toward each other? Nate had been her haven, her anchor. The one who’d understood her better than anyone else…until he tossed her aside like a pair of old shoes because they weren’t “the right fit.” Whatever the hell that meant.

“I should’ve been with him this entire time,” Kris managed past the lump in her throat. “You’re right. People like you and me? We’d never work. I’m meant to be with someone like Teague. So really, I should thank you for doing me a favor when you broke up with me.”

Every line of Nate’s body radiated tension. His emerald eyes had turned dark, almost black, and they blazed with emotion before he snuffed it.

“Good.” Kris barely recognized his voice, it was so guttural and raw. “I’m glad.”

Pain slashed its claws across her insides, and she knew she had five minutes tops before she lost it.

She turned and left without another word or a backward glance.

When she arrived at the car, Teague took one look at her face and backed out of the parking space with haste. Thankfully, he didn’t try to talk to her; he just turned the radio on to an easy listening station and low volume to mask the sounds of Kris’s soft sniffles.

She hated crying in front of other people. She hated crying, period. Yet here she was, crying over a man she’d known for, what, two months?


Thankfully, by the time they reached her house, Kris had composed herself, though her nose remained red and her mascara smudged.

“Sorry tonight turned out to be such a mess.” She unsnapped her seatbelt and stared at the blazing lights of her house. It didn’t look welcoming at all.

“What are you talking about? I had a great time.” Teague ticked off the reasons on his fingers. “Soccer. Hot dogs. Hot date. Could be worse.” His teasing tone indicated he meant “date” in the loosest sense of the word.

Kris snorted. “You need to up your ‘date’ standards.”

“Nah. Life is easier without high expectations.” Teague brushed a knuckle over Kris’s cheek. “Don’t let the jerk get you down.”

“I won’t,” she lied.

She kissed Teague on the cheek good night and slipped out of the car. Exhaustion settled into her bones, exacerbated by all the energy she’d spent caging her emotions in front of Nate.

Her plans to pass out in her bed ground to a screeching halt when she entered the house and found her father and Gloria waiting for her in the living room.