I knew better than to derive value from my follower count, but that number impacted my income and livelihood.

Maybe it was ego.

Maybe I wanted to prove to everyone, including myself, that the blood, sweat, and tears I’d poured into growing the account hadn’t been in vain.

Or maybe Brady was right, and I needed to shake things up.

Whatever it was, it compelled me enough to exit out of the app and into my contacts list.

I stared at the list of names, my eyes instinctively homing in on the male ones.

I can’t believe I’m considering this.

But I had no job and nothing to lose…except my integrity.

Unfortunately, integrity didn’t pay the bills, and it wasn’t like I was murdering or stealing. It would just be a little white lie to sell the show that was my online presence.

My teeth dug into my bottom lip.

Then, before I could second guess myself, I called the first name that looked good.

“Hey Trent, it’s Stella. I know, it’s been a long time, but I have a question for you…”