“That works,” Reece added. “Nathan will look like a pussy, but who cares?”

More laughing and middle fingers.

“We’ll say it took a while to find your boat,” Reece added. “It is sort of a big lake.”

“How did you find us, anyway? For real?” Nathan asked.

“I watched you two push off,” Reece admitted. “I’ve been out here once before, and figured you two would be here, too. So I grabbed Julian. We needed a break, anyway.”

“We didn’t expect what we found, that’s for damn sure,” Julian said.

He took my hand to help me into one of the boats but before he did, he pulled me in with a deep kiss. “You’re a sexy woman, Gigi. Don’t be such a stranger, and maybe next time you’re up my way you can stay over at my place? A little sleepover? Like when we were kids?”

I raised my eyebrows at him. “Um, we didn’t do stuff like this when we were kids.”

Not that I would have minded.

“True,” he said, “but I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to. How many times I listened through the bedroom wall when you played with yourself. Your little moans. Drove me insane. I still jerk off to the memory of it even all these years later.”

“What? You listened to me? You perv!” I yelled.

“Ha. That’s nothing. Reece used to steal your panties. Can’t tell you how many times I found them, um, in his nightstand, covered with dried—”

I raised my hands to interrupt. “Okay, okay. That’s enough. I don’t want to know any more.”

Nathan elbowed Julian out of the way, and pushed the rowboat off the sand. “See ya, suckers.”

Julian groaned. “Fine, asshole. We’ll race you back. See how fast you are now, old man.”

“Losers,” Nathan called, starting to furiously row.

I sat there, watching the brothers be themselves and have fun, just like I had years ago. But this time I was part of everything. And it felt freaking great.

“So, Nathan?”

“Yeah, baby?” he asked, breathing hard through his strokes.

Baby. He’d called me baby.

“Do you think we can trust those guys not to rat us out?” I asked.

He huffed. “Nothing to worry about. They won’t say a fucking thing. Want to know why?”

I shrugged. “Yeah. Why?”

“Because if they do, I will fucking kill them.”

I laughed. “Okay, big guy.”

I lazily dipped my fingers in the water, basking in my after-sex glow, as the guys continued with their hilarious, noisy competition all the way back to the picnic. The number of guests had thinned out a bit, but those who were left turned to see what the commotion was.

It was unreal. All of it. Completely and totally unbelievable.

I didn’t want to reach the shore. I wanted to stay out on the water with Nathan, Julian, and Reece. I didn’t want to go back to where I’d been when I’d started my day.


Nathan continued. “Reece would never say anything, and Julian? He’s a cocky son of a bitch, but he’s loyal. We’re good, darlin’.”