The Truth Comes Out

“Here,”Reece said, handing me a dripping t-shirt. He’d just walked to the shore, dipping his shirt in the lake before offering it to me. “Sorry it’s all I got, but… well, you know.”

“This is perfect,” I replied, dabbing myself with Julian’s help.

Holy shit. I’d just had a foursome.

A foursome.

With my stepbrothers.

Forget a threesome, or as my friends called sexy time with two guys, a ménage. No, I’d just gone from zero to sixty, skipping kindergarten and going straight to college.

None of that child’s play for me. I’d just been with three men.

This was huge. I’d been wallowing in my problems when there were three amazing men out there who found me attractive, had always liked me, and were amazing lovers. Damn all the time we’d missed when we could have been together.

All the time I’d missed by being with Pete the creep.

It rattled around and around in my head as I slowly put myself back together, starting with my lilac bra and thong, and then my shorts, top, and sneakers. I mean, there I was, Miss Vanilla Sex, or at least I’d thought. Sure, I’d been with a few guys before my husband, and while I wouldn’t have said I was a prude, the craziest I’d ever gotten was getting my hair tugged while doing it doggy style.

I’d certainly never had a foursome, and certainly not with family members. Even if they were stepfamily members.

Did I have any regrets?

Fuck no.

I didn’t regret any of it.

“Better rinse that out,” I said, returning Reece’s shirt. “Not sure you want to return to our family reunion smelling like sex.”

“Ha, you’re right.” He laughed. “But will people wonder why my shirt is soaked?”

Julian waved away his brother’s concerns. “Just say, you know, you took it off and dropped it in the water. No one will suspect a thing.”

If the picnic was the success my mother hoped it would be, no one would even notice.

“So, guys,” I said, clapping my hands as we picked up our stuff and returned to the rowboats, “can we agree to keep this… to ourselves?”

Reece threw an arm around my shoulders. “Promise, Gigi. No one will find out about this, ever. At least not from me.”

He stopped and looked at his brothers.

“Julian?” I asked.

He chuckled. “Gigi, you’re an amazing, sexy woman. You think I’m gonna blab to the rest of the world, risking any chance of ever getting together again? You’ve got nothing to worry about with me. My brother Nathan is another story, though.”

“Fuck you, dude. I don’t kiss and tell, ever,” he said, playfully slugging Julian.

“So what do we tell everyone? That is if anyone missed us?” I asked.

“First of all,” Julian said, “I doubt anyone missed us. But here’s the story, should we need it. Nathan here isn’t in as good a shape as he thought.”

Nathan flipped him off and Julian snickered.

“Nathan, your rowboat was a bitch. You rowed out here, just exploring and stuff, and conked out. Fell asleep. You called me on my cell, so we rowed out, made sure you were okay, and followed you back in,” Julian said.