She was gone for only the span of a few minutes, but by the time she came back downstairs, The Breakfast Club was starting on the television screen and pizza boxes had been opened on the coffee table.

“That was quick. I was only gone a few minutes, right?”

The small woman chuckled as she plated a slice of pepperoni and held it out for Savannah.

“He was parking right when you went upstairs. So it all worked out.”

Nodding as she took her first bite of the cheesy goodness, Savannah settled on the couch, tucking her legs underneath her body.

Alexis had queued up an 80’s movie marathon and by the time they got to Sixteen Candles, both women were dozing off.

A jolting sound came from near the front door. Alexis grabbed her gun from where it was resting on the coffee table, made her way over to the door and peered through the peephole, having to stand on her tip-toes to do so.

“What is it?” Savannah asked in alarm, walking toward the foyer just as Alexis shouted to get down.

The lock on the door held true, but a buzzing noise was quickly followed by the lock disengaging.

“Get out of here!” Alexis shouted as she pushed Savannah out of the way, causing her to tumble onto the ground.

Savannah crawled on her hands and knees toward the kitchen, doing her best to stay out of the way.

Gunshots fired multiple times and Savannah cringed, unsure if they were coming from Alexis or whoever had broken into the house. She had a sneaking suspicion it came from both.

Savannah reached the back door, and for a moment, she sighed with relief to know that she was almost home free. Then the firing stopped.

“Alexis,” she whispered, turning her head to peek over her shoulder, hoping that her friend was safe.

As she turned, she watched as three masked figures moved in her direction. Savannah moved up onto her knees, gripping the door handle to pull herself up, but it was too late.

The pinch of a needle bore into her neck and Savannah’s head was covered in a dark bag.

In her moment of panic, Savannah flung her body against the assailants and attempted to pull the bag free, only to feel the force of an object bash against her head.

She felt dizzy, nauseous, and terrified. Then there was a sense of peace as everything went black.


He had no idea how long tuxedo fittings were supposed to take, but as Cassidy stuck one more pin in the pants that hadn’t fit quite right, he knew it had been long enough.

Beau heavily sighed as she tugged on the material and then took a step back.

“Almost done,” she said as she shifted the jacket around his shoulders once more. The only other person wearing a tux for Tate’s wedding would be Noah, and Cassidy had already completed his fitting.

“Alright, you can go get dressed. I have what I need.”

“Thanks, Cassidy.”

Beau dashed from the pedestal and went toward the dressing room. He was extra careful removing the clothing, not wanting to stick himself with a pin by accident or mess with Cassidy’s work. That was not something he wanted to go through again.

Beau was just slipping his feet into his shoes when the sound of multiple sirens echoed in the cavernous studio. Something in his gut told him whatever it was had to do with Savannah.

Soon he was running through the store and out the front door, only to collide with Cliff, who was leaving his tattoo shop.

“What’s going,-” Beau began, then noticed the ashen color of Cliff’s face.

“Alexis has been shot.”

“Oh, God.” If Alexis was shot, that meant that something happened to Savannah.

All of a sudden, Beau didn’t know which way was up, which way was down, or how to breathe. He felt his arm tugged and then he was pushed into the leather seats of a low-slung car.

White dots blotted his vision and Beau ducked his head between his legs before he fainted. Neither of them spoke during the drive, both he and Cliff were mentally stuck in their own heads. He knew the trip to the clinic and Savannah’s house wasn’t long, but it felt like they had been traveling for an eternity.