Thankfully the hinges on the door creaked as she opened the door. “Is something wrong?”

“No, I forgot my toiletries. Could you open my duffle and bring the small blue bag on top?”

Savannah complied and quickly brought him the bag. He pulled the shower curtain aside and held out his hand, doing his best to keep from dropping water all over the floor. The cold water was not doing its job as his erection grew when their fingertips brushed.

“Thanks,” he told her once he had the items inside the shower. She answered with a yip and a quick close of the door.

He spent only a few more minutes in the shower before turning off the knob and wrapping the small white towel around his waist. The dainty cloth was too small to dry him completely; it would take hours at this rate.

Beau zipped up his toiletry bag and set it on the small counter. With a quick swipe of the mirror, he noted that he definitely needed a shave. Drops of water trailed down his chest as he took a step back and opened the door.

He glanced down the way and saw that Savannah wasn’t in her room. Quickly, he went to the linen closet and sifted through the towels, trying to find any bigger than a hand towel. Finally, down on the lowest shelf, he found a large dark blue towel. Beau bent down to retrieve the mass and blindly spun around to head back to the bathroom, only to collide with Savannah.

They both grunted at the collision, her hands gripping his arms to keep from falling backward down the steps.

“Oh! I’m so sorry,” she said as she tried to pull her body away from his hold. Despite his cold shower, his cock was definitely ready for some attention and it jerked beneath the towel. “I wasn’t expecting to find you out here.”

“Towel wasn’t big enough.”

“I can see that,” she mumbled, her gaze glued to his chest. Beau worked hard for his body. He was blessed with broad shoulders, abdominal ridges, and the V-cut that women had commented on a time or two.

“I’ll go ahead and dry off, then change,” he told her as he set her right on her feet and stepped away, though everything in him was trying to convince his brain that he needed to drag her to the bedroom and show her who she belonged to. Caveman-style.

“Okay,” she whispered, reaching beside her body to grip the railing.

She remained in the same spot as he exited the bathroom and again the bedroom. He’d been quick about his change, tugging on a gray shirt and a pair of blank jogging pants. Beau usually slept naked, but he didn’t want to make Savannah more uncomfortable than she already seemed.

He couldn’t sleep in the guest room across from Savannah as her grandfather had turned it into a storage place for all of her grandmother’s things, which really crept Beau out. It seemed he was relegated to the couch.

Luckily it seemed fairly new and didn’t creak as he stretched his large body along the cushions. No springs were digging into his back like the many sofas he’d slept on as a teen.

But no matter how comfortable the couch seemed to be, Beau was still in agony. The sound of old pipes creaked as Savannah turned on the shower upstairs and it confirmed that at that very moment, she was upstairs in the bathroom, completely naked. And here he was, just one level beneath her.

It was going to be a long night.