“For as long as I can remember, that was what I wanted to do. Even though now. . .” she said, but her words trailed off. Beau pulled his gaze from the night sky and turned to face her.

“Now, what?”

“Now, I wish that I had gone in a different direction. My mom wanted me to be a doctor or a pharmacist. I probably should have listened.”

Beau had lost all interest in the stars and was now solely focused on Savannah and the hurt he could hear in her voice regarding her job. It was clear something had happened that caused her to rethink her occupation. He just wondered what that was.

“What happened, Savannah?”

She tore her stare away from the stars and focused on him. An electric current flowed between them, and his fingers itched to reach out and wrap them around her hand, but Beau stayed still. He was afraid if he moved even an inch, she would spook.

“I had to report something for work and it happened to be with the wrong family and now I’ve lost my job and I’m taking some time away while my lawyer figures everything out.”

He could sense that her explanation wasn’t the entire store, but it was more than she’d given him thus far. Beau would take what he could get.

“I’m sorry to hear that, Savannah.”

“I’m really just lucky that I took the time to get a license in Maryland and here in North Carolina. I’m not even sure what made me do it, maybe knowing that my grandfather was getting older and may need help at some point. Regardless, it’s nice to still practice. I’m not one to sit still for too long.”

“It’s the city girl in you,” he said with a laugh, trying to shift the mood. Luckily she joined him.

“This is really nice,” Savannah added as she turned back to the sky and sighed deeply. Beau had to agree, but it wasn’t for the view above them, but for the company sitting a few inches away.

Savannah’s fingers curled around his and Beau smiled as he leaned back in the chair and titled his head up toward the sky. Now that it was dark, he didn’t notice the grime around his fingers and took a chance to reach out and grasp the hand he’d been itching to touch since he met her. He silently prayed that she didn’t pull away.

They both had early mornings the next day, but neither seemed inclined to leave the little haven. It wasn’t until Beau’s phone chimed in his pocket that they remembered the late hour.

Cassidy had texted him to check on Savannah since she hadn’t messaged her when she arrived home. Beau apologized and said that she was fine and they were just riding around. It wasn’t a full lie, but just enough to keep Cassidy from spreading any gossip. However, he had a feeling the town would have them married and expecting a baby before the end of the week. The Lady Busy Bees were a group of women notorious for making up stories about the people living in Carson.

“I guess we should head back before everyone begins to claim that I kidnapped you.”

“I suppose you’re right,” Savannah sighed as she reluctantly stood from the chair. She shivered as the cool night air brushed against her bare arms as she folded the blanket she had been using. Beau gathered the items they used and stored them back in the shed, then descended the ladder, waiting for Savannah to do the same.

Together they traveled in the elevator to the first floor and exited the tower. They didn’t exchange words, but Beau could sense that something between them had shifted.

Even in the car ride back to her house, they remained quiet, but in the small space of the truck, the sensation of sparks between them was even more pronounced.

Before he was ready, beau had arrived in front of the two-story brick home and parked across the street. He exited the vehicle, helped Savannah down, and then walked her to the front door.

He chuckled as they stopped at the bottom of the steps.

“What’s so funny?” she asked as she opened her bag to retrieve her keys.

“This is where we first met.”

Savannah giggled and the sound reminded him of little bells tinkling. “I guess you’re right. Well, thank you for the ride  home and for the view.”

“You’re welcome.”

They stood beside the lamp post that cast them in a warm yellow glow. Beau wasn’t sure if he should try to make a move, her lips kept beckoning him for a taste, but Savannah took the guesswork out of it as she stepped forward and placed her hands on his shoulders for leverage. Her lips pressed against the corner of his mouth and Beau lost all of his control.

Quickly he wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her closer, his other hand coming to rest behind her head as he dove his fingers into her soft hair. He brushed his lips against hers, causing Savannah to moan, he guessed in surprise.

The feel of her tongue against his lips, begging for entrance, was more than he expected but wholeheartedly welcomed. His mouth opened for her and met her tongue with his own as they explored. Savannah’s hands began trailing down his chest, settling on the ridges of his abdomen. He was glad he chose the thin baseball-style shirt for the night.

Beau wasn’t sure how long they kissed under the lamp light, but as they pulled away to catch their breath, he noticed how swollen Savannah’s lips had become.

“Wow,” she said as she pressed her fingertips against her lips. He was speechless but concurred in his mind.

“I should let you get some sleep.”

“Yeah,” she said, and Beau swore he heard the disappointment in her voice.

Before he could think better of it, Beau leaned down and kissed Savannah’s cheek before taking a step back, then another and another, until he had reached his truck. He waited outside the driver's side door until Savannah was safely inside the house.

As he drove back to his apartment, Beau couldn’t help but think about Savannah and how much time they’d have together. Not only was he making plans to leave, but she was only in Carson until her grandfather returned, which had him recalling her story about her last job. It was time he called up Jameson and Cliff to do some digging. The software guru and government operative could find out just about anything about anyone. All beau wanted to know was if she was in danger or was going to cause danger. She may look as innocent as a rose, but who knew if she had any hidden thorns.