It was more that he had met some of the local guys at Horizon’s solely to rid his mind of the blonde-haired beauty. Since he appeared on her doorstep, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

There were plenty of beautiful women between Carson and Asheville, which was a little more than an hour away, but none of them would do. He’d tried. Even his late night at the track with Tate yesterday was a failure. There had been a slew of pit bunnies hanging around and none of them interested him.

It was one of the reasons why he wanted out of the small town. Either everyone knew him, or there was only interest in a one-time fling. He was approaching the age where he was hoping to settle down soon. He wanted a family, a wife, and a place to call home.

Currently, he was holed up in a one-bedroom apartment, but he had been saving for years to purchase a house. His plan wasn’t to begin with a starter home; he wanted his dream home. Enough bedrooms to expand and a large enough plot of land to explore. His friends Tate and Cliff had properties that Beau idolized.

His spine tingled from the way his name rolled off her tongue as she responded to his greeting. It was like the gentlest of caresses against his skin, light as a feather. When his eyes met hers, he was surprised to find both recognition and a bit of desire. Her lids were a little heavy and there was a sparkle in her irises. He liked the way she looked at him like that and wondered if her blue eyes darkened when she was in the throw of passion.

“I’m surprised to see you here,” she said as she clicked the small bag she carried shut.

“Are you?”

“Well,’s just. Shoot. I keep sticking my foot in my mouth when I’m around you.”

Taking a leap of faith, Beau stepped forward and moved to brush a wayward hair away from her face, but when his hand came up next to her porcelain skin, he grimaced. His fingers and nails were caked in grease and oil that wouldn’t come out no matter how many times he washed. The last time his nails had been spotless was when he took two weeks away from work to help his mom. He didn’t want to place his dirty hands on her body. Instead, he acted as if he planned to call Landon over for a drink. Beau was sure that it came across as odd, but it was better than the alternative.

“Can I get a Coke?” Beau looked to Savannah and silently asked if she wanted anything to drink, but she shook her head.

“I’m actually getting ready to head back. I have an early morning.”

“Just a Coke then. Thanks, Landon.”

“Did you have fun tonight? I think Jameson mentioned that you used to vacation here in the summer and were friends with the Connellys.”

“That would be correct. Sometimes their mom would watch me when my grandfather was working, especially when my grandmother got sick. After she passed away, I didn’t visit as often. My grandfather buried himself in work, and I am just seeing how heavy a load he carried. It’s been two days and I’m exhausted.”

“You’ll get back in the swing of things, I’m sure.”

Landon set the cold beverage in front of Beau and waved away his cash as he tried to pay for it.


“Yeah, I usually don’t drink much. Sometimes I’ll have a beer after a long day, but, like you, I have a busy and long day tomorrow.”

She nodded and the silence grew between them. He took a step to her side and leaned against the counter, resting the side of his body against the wooden top. This way he could visually trace her profile. Small, upturned nose, full lips meant for kissing, and lashes that seemed to go on forever.

God, he had it bad for her already. He just wasn’t sure if it was worth the trouble or commitment. He had plans to leave once Tate got married and he could get his mother settled.

“So, where are you from originally?” he asked her as he took a sip of his drink. Her gaze was on her friends now clustered with their significant others. It was the downfall of being a single friend for sure.

Finally, she turned to face him and mirrored his stance against the bar. She wasn’t short, but she wasn’t tall either. He pegged her around five feet five inches. The way Savannah placed her arm on the counter caused her breasts to squeeze closer together. He tried his damnedest to keep his eyes on her face, but the motion was too hard to resist and he almost choked on his drink when he glanced down. The split second was all he needed and was enough to last him a lifetime.

God, she was fucking gorgeous.

“I grew up in Baltimore and went to the University of Maryland for vet school.”

“City girl?” she asked with a chuckle.

“Through and through. I once spent a month in New York City and loved every moment. I love the sounds of the city. To me, it’s calming. But I’ve got a soft spot for the country too.”

“Really? The quiet doesn’t bother you?”

“Sometimes, but there is something to be said for lying in a field and seeing an endless amount of stars.”

“That’s true. I can’t remember the last time I did that.”

“You should give it a go next time you have a chance.”

Setting his drink on the counter, Beau smiled at Savannah mischievously.

“Come on,” he said as he gently grabbed her wrist and guided her from the counter. He guided her from the building and he heard her shout that she would text someone when she got home. Beau couldn’t see her face, but he imagined that she wore a confused and slightly worried expression. But he wanted to spend more time with her, and she had given him a great idea.

On the street, Beau guided her toward his pickup and opened the passenger door for her. Savannah surprised him when she hopped into the vehicle without a word. He probably should warn her to be cautious of strangers, but then again, he didn’t want her to consider him a stranger.

Beau quickly made his way to his side of the truck and put the key in the ignition. Soon they were off and Beau made his way down an alley and then toward the other end of Main Street. He noticed her body grow rigid when he passed her grandfather’s house.

“You missed my place.”