While wrapped in his arms, she turned and took a sip of her coffee, offering him a taste from her own mug.

“So,” he began. “What do you have in store today?”

“Well, I intend to take a very long and hot shower and then run to the store and stock my fridge. Then, as you know, I have the knitting club this afternoon. After that, I have no plans.”

“Maybe we can switch it up and stay at your place tonight?”

Laughing, River said, “Sure, I’m up for a little adventure so long as you think Delilah will adjust okay.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine.”

A cry sounded from down the hall and Ridge reached behind River and grabbed his mug, gulping the hot liquid before setting the mug back on the counter.

“Take your shower and I’ll make us some breakfast once I get Delilah situated.”

“Sounds good.”

Ridge went to work getting his daughter ready for the day, savoring each toothy grin she sent his way. She was growing up so fast and he hated the feeling that he was missing it all.

Setting Delilah into her high chair, he settled her down with some puffed cereal while he grabbed the items to make omelets.

He was just plating the two western omelets when a knock on his front door sounded. Ridge was surprised since he wasn’t expecting anyone, but as he glanced at his phone to look at the security camera's image, he rushed over to the door.

“Grady! What are you doing here?” he said, ushering his friend inside the house.

“Hey, man. Sorry to barge in, but Dylan left early to head to the studio with Ryker and the nice lady at the bed and breakfast gave me directions to your house.”

“Well, damn. Can I get you some breakfast? I’m making omelets,” he said just as a towel-clad River walked into the kitchen area where Ridge stood with Grady.

“Oh!” she startled and took a few steps back into the slightly darker hallway. “I didn’t know we had company.”

“Sorry. Grady just popped in. Dylan is at the studio already.”

“That’s ok. Er. . .um. . .I was going to ask if you could run across the street to grab me some. . .um. . .undergarments. It seems my supply here needs to be restocked. But you’re busy. It’s fine. I can make do.”

No way was he going to allow her to go without panties in public. Even if he was the only one that would know, well, him and Grady, it would drive him crazy the rest of the day.

“No, I’d be happy to do it. I’ll be right back.”

Before she could object, Ridge reached for her set of keys on the kitchen counter and made his way out the front door leaving Grady and Delilah in the kitchen and a stunned towel-covered River standing in the hall with her mouth hanging open in surprise.

When he returned with a loaded pocket full of lace panties for River, he found Grady taking a bite of his omelet and feeding tiny pieces of the other to Delilah.

Bypassing his friend, he walked back to his bedroom and found River sitting in the middle of his bed on her phone.

“Thank you, Ridge. I’m sorry I made you leave your friend.”

“It’s okay. I didn’t mind.” He looked at her more closely and noticed the worry lines between her brows. “Is everything okay?”

Finally pulling her gaze away from the screen of her phone, River looked up at him with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Yeah, I was just trying to call my grandmother, but I didn’t get an answer. She was more confused when we spoke the last couple of days and I just wanted to check in with her and the nurse Mark.”

“I’m sure everything is fine. He’d call you if something was wrong.”

“You’re right. I know you’re right. I’d just like to hear her voice for myself, you know?”

“Yeah, I get it.” Ridge leaned forward and kissed her gently. She was stressed and he wanted to do what he could to alleviate it. Taking a step back, Ridge turned toward the bedroom door then glanced over his shoulder. “I’ll let you get dressed. When you come out, I’ll start our breakfast. Grady ate your omelet.”