River slid closer to his body until they were pressed against each other, his leg sliding between hers. It didn’t take long for her body to accept Ridge again; his erection glided inside her channel effortlessly.

They made love through the night until River lost count of how many orgasms she had. H

e was already living up to their new agreement, and River hoped that it would be a very long time until they were tired of each other.

Chapter Ten

The last few weeks were some of the best Ridge could remember. Not only was Delilah growing by leaps and bounds, but the time he spent with River was better than he could ever imagine. Their casual relationship was working well for both of them, neither party feeling as if they were stuck in a scenario that they weren’t comfortable with.

On the nights that Ridge wasn’t working, River stayed at his house. He was thankful his daughter was a heavy sleeper and went to bed at a decent hour because he was thoroughly enjoying learning all the aspects of River’s body that set her wild. She was, by far, the single best lover he had ever had. She came off as demure and shy, but she was open to trying any and everything in the bedroom. His vixen of a neighbor had a wild streak he was enjoying every aspect of.

The days where Ridge spent his time with Delilah while River worked, he treasured their moments together until he left for the fire station. He never wanted to admit it to his uncle, but those were the loneliest times for him. Ridge always had the thought in the back of his mind that River was going to find the man that was worth her time. He would treasure her like the sweet fortune that she was.

This evening, in particular, was one that Ridge had been waiting for. Not just because it was the weekend or that he, River, and Delilah had made plans together, but that he was able to spend this actual Halloween trick-or-treating with his daughter.

The previous year, Penny had claimed that their daughter was too small to enjoy the festivities being that she was only a couple of months old. But this year, Ridge got to make that decision and he had been sitting on her costume for weeks, excited to see her in the mounds of green tulle.

“Dada!” she said excitedly as he changed her diaper then tugged on a long-sleeve green shirt and a pair of white tights. It was going to be a warm night for late October, but Ridge wasn’t taking any chances at his baby being cold. Once he had finished untangling the tights from her feet and sliding them up her legs, Ridge slipped the green fairy costume over her head, completing the ensemble.

“Well, aren’t you just the cutest thing I have ever seen?” he asked as he sat her up on the changing table before lifting her into his arms. “Are you excited to see everyone in their costumes?” Delilah ignored his question, her focus on the green tulle making up her skirt. She puffed the material up and down, enticing giggles along the way. “Yep, you’re a pretty fairy. Let’s go get daddy changed.”

Ridge had been torn on what to wear or if he should dress-up at all, but he finally decided on a pirate costume he had seen in the store. This one was less like Captain Hook and more like a leather-wearing, billowing shirt kind of pirate. Ridge wanted to feel comfortable as he walked through the downtown area with the rest of the town residents.

Since most of the people that lived in their small town were not in a neighborhood setting, the town began hosting a large trick-or-treat event on Main Street that everyone could attend. It had started ten years prior and had grown exponentially. People from nearby towns came to join the festivities. Businesses from those areas rented spots in the large parking area to participate or started the trend in their own downtowns. The event not only brought in a lot of money for the town, but it provided a safe place for families to bring their kids. And with the number of small families that had recently moved to Carson, the residents were thrilled with the choice of entertainment. Ridge had even heard that his cousin’s world-famous band, Exoneration, would be making an appearance since they were home from tour.

Ridge had just finished fastening the fake leather belt around his waist when he heard the front door to his house open after a subtle knock.

“Hello? Where is everyone?” River called out and like clockwork, Ridge’s heart began beating in double time. Gosh, he had it bad for her.

“We’re back here,” he said as he reached onto the bed and tickled his daughter, who sat in the center with her pink teddy bear.

“Oh my,” a gasped whisper sounded from behind him. Ridge turned to find River standing at the doorway to his bedroom, fanning her face dramatically. She was dressed in all black. The skintight pants and shirt conformed to her body, showing off her curves. On the top of her head sat a pair of white cat ears that highlighted the sleek ponytail she had pulled her hair into.

Standing tall, Ridge placed both of his hands on his hips and looked to the far-off distance as he struck a pose. “How do I look?”

“You just need a sword and your look is complete.”

“I have one,” he told her, earning himself a soft chuckle.

“I’m not sure I should go with you all. I’m not fully prepared to walk around town with you dressed as a sexy pirate. I’ll be fighting off women all night.”

Ridge walked toward her and cupped her cheeks, tilting her face toward his so that he could press their lips together. After savoring her kiss for an extra minute. He pulled back slightly and said, “I can change if you want me to.”

“No way, you look great. I’m just being silly.”

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, I think you’re the sexiest cat I’ve ever seen. Maybe later you’ll let me get up close and personal with your pussy.”

“Ridge!” she exclaimed, glancing over his shoulder to look at Delilah, who was paying them no mind, far too busy fluffing the tulle of her costume. “You’re terrible. Anyway, are you guys almost ready? Poppy said we could park behind Wake and Bake in the employee spots.”

“Yep. I already put the stroller in the truck.”

Before stepping back from River, Ridge gently grabbed the edge of her ponytail, yanking slightly for her attention.

“Are you sure you’re okay about tonight?”

Tonight was the first time they were making an appearance as a couple of sorts. Since their date, most of their nights and time together were spent at home. Ridge wasn’t sure anyone would actually care that the two of them were casually dating, but River had been nervous since he asked her to join them for the town festivities.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” His eyes bore into hers, searching for any sign of uneasiness, but she seemed sincere in her answer.