Matteo was easilysix foot four, if not taller. I had to crane my neck to take him in fully. It was worth it to watch him push his long hair out of his eyes as they met mine, and time seemed to still. He was the perfect, real-life definition of ruggedly handsome with a touch of danger.

Maybe it was because he was so big, or maybe it was some fight-or-flight instinct kicking in, but something about him screamed: “run.” And yet I stayed in place, no regard for my safety. I wanted to fall into his danger in a way I’d never experienced.

After locking up the shop, we walked side-by-side to the ice cream shop, talking casually. His hot gaze was like lava pouring directly into my veins.Yeah, he’s dangerous as all get out.Maybe I liked to play with fire. Was it terrible that even if he was possibly the mobster from the phone, I still wanted to go on a date with him on the off-chance I’d get to see under that suit?

Yes, definitely. Times infinity.

Tall, dark, and handsome was not a cliche with him. It was a goddamn gift. He stepped closer to me as we entered the shop, so there was only a sliver of space between us. My eyes drifted to his chest, spotting the tattoos peeking from the collar of his shirt. All bets were off as my mind went on a tangent, imagining what he looked like without clothes.

Look away! Abort!

His eyes met mine, and I looked away, a blush heating my cheeks at being caught ogling him. One more glance his way confirmed he’d seen me as he smirked to himself.

“Do you have a favorite flavor of ice cream?”

“Depends on my mood. I like chocolate peanut butter most days, but sometimes, the nostalgia of cotton candy is just what the doctor ordered.” Needing to look anywhere but at him, I looked around the parlor, taking in the retro vibes they had created. “What’s yours?”

“Whatever you taste like,” he said simply, stepping up beside me and nonchalantly tucking his hands into his pockets.

Heat flooded my body, and I imagined what it would be like for him totasteme. My eyes snapped to the sign hanging off the wall, and I forced myself to read every word until I cooled off again. I wished he’d say something, anything to distract me from myself.

“It would appear they have both here. How are you going to pick?”

I glanced at him before my eyes flicked to the sign to see he was right. There was cotton candy and chocolate peanut butter on the menu.

“You’ll have to get both.”He shrugged, meeting my eyes this time before smiling slightly.

“Both? Chocolate and cotton candy do not go together.”

The line moved, and we went with it, stepping up to order. I made a fly-by decision and asked for the chocolate peanut butter, only for Matteo to surprise me and order a cotton candy for himself. The scrawny kid at the counter must’ve thought he misheard as he stared at the bona fide giant in front of him, trying to reconcile how a man could look likethatand eat something so childish as cotton candy ice cream. Whatever his thoughts, he remained professional and prepared Matteo’s order.

I suspected Matteo’s choice was calculated. “Sneaky,” I teased while we waited. “You could’ve picked something else.”

“I don’t mind. Maybe it’ll become my new favorite.” He grinned at me, making my stomach tighten.

God, he is too good-looking. How is he real?

“Here you go.” The kid handing out the ice cream gave me an appreciative once over as he held out my cone. A dog growled behind me, and the boy’s face dropped as he held out Matteo’s cup. “Here you go, sir,” he squeaked.

I turned, wondering who had brought their dog into an ice cream store. But besides the couples and small families, there were no animals in our vicinity.

Weird. I could’ve sworn …

I turned back to Matteo to find him licking the side of his cup where the ice cream leaked through the cracks. “Is your cup broken? We can ask for another.”

“No, it’s okay.” He glared at the kid as I brought the ice cream to my mouth and took a long lick. Ice cream was supposed to be a safe suggestion, but Matteo watched my tongue make a trail from the cone to the tip, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed hard.

When I pulled back to lick my lips, he reached out suddenly and ran his thumb gently down the bridge of my nose. I’d gotten ice cream on my nose! I was horror-stricken until he brought his thumb to his mouth and sucked. Desire pooled in my belly, coiling through me to settle in my lady bits.Fuck.

“Raspberry,” he muttered to himself.

I frowned. “No, chocolate.”

He looked down at me, a fire burning behind his dark eyes as he smirked. “You. You taste like raspberry. Sweet and tart.” He stepped closer to me as he spoke, his voice low and dark like the words were only for me.

A blush blossomed on my cheeks, and I swallowed hard with anticipation. He reached out again, running his fingers along my jaw and slipping under my hair until he had the nape of my neck in his grip. He held me firmly, pausing only long enough to see if I would pull away before moving in to claim my mouth.