The leggy blondegyrated her ass against my thigh, holding onto my knee like a pommel. Try as she might to evoke a reaction, nothing was going on under my jeans. I wasn’t even paying attention to her efforts. I watched my brother guide a redhead's mouth onto his cock in disgust.

“Numbers are down since we closed the casino. I wanted to turn it into a permanent fixture, so we need to find a good location for it.” He looked up from the red curls between his fingers to make eye contact with me. It’d been a long time since I’d been uneasy making eye contact with a man getting his balls sucked. In the grand scheme, this was barely a blip on the depraved, twisted shit I had seen.

“Why can’t we keep it going at the Archbishop’s?” I lifted my arm, resting it along the back of the couch. The blonde turned to face me, her heavy tits hanging next to my mouth as her fingers massaged the back of my head.

“Enough.” I set my hand on her shoulder, pushing her away with a scowl. She was only part of the service because my brother was gettinghisrocks off, but I wasn’t into cheap sex. Ironically.

Cupping her chin, I forced her gaze to mine and held it for a long, steady moment. “Go find someone else to fuck. It’s not going to be me.” I didn’t spare a second glance at her ass cheeks wobbling around the flimsy string that separated them as she sauntered away. My attention returned to the conversation.

“It’s bringing too much heat. We don’t need the Vatican coming here to perform theirexorcisms. They might not last, but they’re tedious as fuck.” My brother held the redhead down, and her gasping and gagging filled the room.

I watched for half a second before covering the noise with my reply. “Trust me, I know. Do you have any other ideas?”

“A nunnery?”

We both laughed at the thought.

“I’ll get Santino to figure something out if I can pry him from between Reina’s legs for longer than a second.” I caught sight of a brunette walking past the room and snapped my fingers to get her attention. “Get me a whiskey sour, whore.”

She nodded and scurried off.

“We have another problem.” He deepthroated the redhead again, and her eyes welled up with tears as she gagged around his girth. “Now we have enough contracts to start collecting the souls, we need a way to dispose of the bodies without drawing unnecessary attention. The odd body can be dumped here or there for show, but we need a disposal system once we begin the mass exodus.” He stroked the redhead’s cheek. “Sorry, Babe. I like it when your eyes go all wide like that.”

She gargled a reply to him as I rose, grabbing my phone in annoyance. “Everything comes down to me to deal with.”

“You wanted to be in charge. This is the price you pay for heading Father’s mission.” Lucio wasn’t looking at me anymore as he pumped his hips against the redhead's mouth, moaning softly as he got close.

I didn’t need to watch him cum on her face, so I huffed a reply and walked out.

Funny how I was supposed to be in charge, but there he was on his ass, wasting time and making demands because he was fuckingLucifer.With the pressure off him, he thought he could do whatever the fuck he wanted, wasting his days banging the whores who overflowed like champagne on New Year’s Eve in this place—Amadeus’s den of lust and sin.

All my demonic siblings had established businesses in line with their vices—except for Lucio, who felt above such things—and me. Perhaps I could find a way to mix gluttony with this body disposal we needed. But how?

“Here’s your whiskey sour, Matteo.” The girl returned, smiling and trying to stay on my good side as if she could sense my bad side was really, really bad.

I grabbed the drink, and she scurried away, eager to put distance between us.

I pulled out my phone and Googled the boutique that was giving Johnny so much trouble. These days, with everything being on social media, I barely had to do anything to learn something about anything.

The first hit provided an image of the fiery young woman. I felt a stirring in my cocks for the first time in three hundred years. At least Johnny had good taste, even if he had no brains.

The shop specialized in handmade jewelry and other crafts. An artisan shop where the owner hadn’t made it into art school, but someone told them they’d buy what they made, so the owner took it and ran with it.

As I flicked through her Instagram account, I had to admit she was talented. Not that I was into wearing dainty necklaces. But there were a few pieces that women would like.

What intrigued me the most was the original purpose of the shop before it became a jewelry store. The little spitfire had documented her renovation journey, and before he died, her father had run a butcher’s shop out of it. She’d chosen not to carry on the family business, but maybe I could persuade her otherwise.

As the spark of an idea formed, a devilish smile took over my face. It was twisted, it was fucked-up, and it was exactly what I was looking for.

* * *

I noticed her as soon as I eased into the parking spot behind the Dodge Shadow. Petite but curvy, with beautiful brown curls that hung over her shoulders. It was her eyes I admired the most—bright and golden as she turned to stare at my car with admiration. The girl had great taste.

Turning the car off, I slipped out as she turned away to unlock her car. Her side profile didn’t do her any justice. She must weigh a hundred and ninety pounds, and ninety of those were pure attitude. She didn’t look like she had the balls to fight a bunch of thugs. I enjoyed how non-threatening she appeared—a kitten with claws.

As I walked closer, I realized how tiny she was compared to me. She barely came to my chest, and I had a sudden overwhelming urge to fold myself around her. She had to be sheltered and protected from the dangerous world she’d gotten herself mixed up in with that attitude of hers.