“Fuck,” I said on a groan as Val opened her legs long enough to give us a peek of her pretty pink pussy.

“Man, you changed her fucking diapers,” Diesel said, teasing me now. I’d let it go, the kid had a point.

“Yeah, I did. And that’s why I’ve never put my dick in her,” I replied, knowing I’d do just that if she wasn’t my best friend’s daughter.

“Yeah, but that might be the only way to keep her safe,” Diesel pointed out, reminding me of why I’d asked him here. He was certain someone was after Val, and it wasn’t the guy that had shown up at the bar the other day. He wouldn’t explain who it was or why, but he insisted the girl on the stage was in danger.

“What do you mean?” I asked quietly, knowing exactly what Diesel meant, but wanting him to say it. If he said it, that made it different.

“If she’s your old lady, she’ll be protected,” Diesel answered promptly, giving me the in I needed.

But could I do it? Should I?

“She’s Hunter’s daughter, I can’t,” I replied, waiting for his answer.

“Dad won’t give a fuck so long as you’re good to her.” Diesel brushed away my protest.

“Would he care if you fucked her?” I shot back, wondering how far we could take this. “If she’s your girl, or even Cam’s she’ll be just as safe.”

“We could all have her,” the number cruncher butted in to say, making both of our heads swivel in his direction.

“What?” Diesel and I both spit out.

“We could all have her, protect her,” he said, not knowing the full story but jumping in anyway. I liked his initiative, and his suggestion.

I was used to sharing with my club members, from drugs to women, we’d all shared at one point or another. Val was different, but I’d seen her interest on stage last night. She’d looked at all three of us with a hunger I hadn’t seen on a face in a long time.

I was secure enough in my own masculinity to know I could share a woman as hungry as Val had looked last night. A quick, blank look at the stage showed me a woman that was just as hungry now as she was last night. And her beautiful green eyes, the most gorgeous eyes I’ve ever seen on a woman, were on our table.

“That might work, gentleman. We could all keep an eye on her, protect her. If we shared her.” I brought my blue eyes to stare at both of them, leaving the wonder that was a naked Val, for the moment. I’d had to learn to school my features to impassiveness a long time ago. An expression I kept on my face anytime Val was around.

“Shared?” Diesel said with an angry flash in his eyes that he soon hid. “You mean we’d all get to be with her?”

“That’s exactly what I mean. Your dad might not murder me by burning my dick off with a few boxes of matches if we were doing it to protect her,” I said and Diesel nodded.

“Mine too,” he responded after a moment’s thought.

“And mine,” Cam added. “Don’t forget I was her teacher for two years.”

I looked back at the stage, wondering if we were really going to do this. I saw Val was watching us, even as she rolled on the stage, flashing that enticing pink pussy every time she rolled. If I’m not mistaken, I saw a shine on that pussy on the last roll. I flicked two fingers on her and waited.

We needed to talk. If she accepted the offer, we were about to make, everything would change. If she didn’t? Well, we wouldn’t give her that option, I decided as she got up, gathered her money, and left the stage.