“The fishermen want a bigger cut, Derek,” the voice of my second in command, Alex, said in my ear over the phone. I closed my eyes, annoyed beyond belief. I did not need this shit right now.

“How much?” I asked, nearly choking when he repeated a number to me that would put me out of business. I laughed before I replied. “Sorry, tell them to take what they get, or I’ll close shop right now.”

“Will do, boss,” Alex said and hung up. I knew he’d take care of business. That was his job.

“What’s up?” Diesel, my best friend’s stepson and a member of my club, asked, his brows furrowed. Diesel was a good kid most of the time, but he had a knack for fucking up that meant I kept him close. He fucked up less when I was around, so I’d learned to not let him out of my sight too often to help him out.

“Nothing Alex can’t handle,” I responded, keeping him out of the loop on purpose. I knew he wanted a bigger role in the club, but there was that whole fucking things up matter that kept me from doing it.

“Cool. Is Cameron coming back tonight?” Diesel asked, his eyes on the stage. Val was up soon, and I knew the kid couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, even if he thought none of us noticed. I noticed everything.

“Yeah, he’ll be here in a few minutes,” I told him, knowing my newest number-cruncher, and the latest prospect to become a patch-owning member, was on his way because I’d told him to meet me here with my numbers after I’d had to fire the old accountant for being a little too free with his record keeping. Stealing from the leader of a motorcycle club, and a drug runner, wasn’t a good idea. I had no idea where his body was, but I knew it was out there somewhere. My guys had seen to it.

“Damn, I can’t sit still,” Diesel complained, getting up to go to the bar as he did so.

“Get something to calm those nerves, Diesel,” I called after him, meaning it and he knew it. I’d break his balls if he fucked up again any time soon, whether he was Hunter’s son or not. My best friend knew what I was capable of, and he’d warned Diesel about that before the kid ever joined my club.

Diesel had grown up around me, the same as Valentine had, but that didn’t mean they’d grown up the same way I had. My old man was hard, mean, and he’d raised me to take over the club his father had passed down to him. I’d done that when the old man died, continuing the trade that had kept the club profitable for so long.

Hunter had wanted to join the club, but I’d tried to keep him out of that life. We’d been kids together, friends since elementary school, and I hadn’t wanted him to see the life when he wasn’t exactly doing a great job in his own life. I couldn’t add more chaos to it. Hunter’s upbringing was tough too, but it was nothing like mine and I’d enjoyed the bit of sanity I found with him in my life. I hadn’t wanted to fuck that up by bringing him into the club.

And I certainly didn’t want to do it by fucking things up even worse when Valentine started to sprout into a woman. The girl was hot, though she didn’t know it at first. She’d asked to join the club, but I didn’t want her in it. She wasn’t meat I wanted my guys biting into. I’d taken Diesel into the club, hoping to calm the wild boy down, but so far, he didn’t show signs of slowing down.

Both were still causing me headaches.

“This seat taken?” a voice intruded into my thoughts, and I looked up. It was Cameron, former schoolteacher, newest member of the club and my new accountant.

“No, sit down.” I waved at the empty chair and flicked my hand at Diesel, on his way back. Diesel turned back to the bar, getting Cam a drink.

“Thanks.” Cameron dropped into the chair, his dark blue jeans and black t-shirt fitting with the clothes of the rest of the clientele.

I didn’t normally dress up to come to the club, but every now and then I did. Today, my clothes matched Cam’s, down to the black motorcycle boots on our feet. This wasn’t a suit and tie kind of place.

“I got your email. Explain it to me,” I said without preamble, getting straight to the point.

“Now that your money isn’t being siphoned off to an offshore account, you’re doing great.” Cam offered, putting his phone down on the table and leaning his elbows beside it. “Things should improve now.”

“Good, that’s what I want to hear.” I paused as the DJ announced Valentine and flicked my eyes to the stage. What the fuck was she wearing, I thought, groaning internally. The girl was going to kill me without me even getting to nut first. Fuck.

I glanced at the other men as Diesel sat down with a heavy sigh. Cam and Diesel both had their eyes glued to the stage where Val was removing a diaphanous black robe, her long blond hair down her back, covering everything but her ass. Her hair wasn’t long enough to cover that golden derriere and her black g-string only enhanced the perfection of the globes. The black babydoll she wore, made from the same material as the robe, did nothing to hide the shape or color of her delicate pink nipples or her bare pussy. In fact, the top ended at the hem of her see through panties.

“Fuck,” I heard Cameron groan beside me. I knew he’d taught both Diesel and Valentine.

“Good thing she’s twenty, huh, teach?” I prodded and heard Diesel snicker.

“Man, if you’d looked at her like and I didn’t know you, I’d have broken your face,” Diesel said with another laugh, but his eyes were glued to his sweet little stepsister on the stage. Diesel was twenty-two, so he’d only spent a year or two with Val, but I have no doubt he meant what he’d said. The kid had it as bad for Val as I did, though I hid it a million times better than he did.

“I knew better than to get my dick out around students, Diesel,” Cameron pushed back, but didn’t bother to look at anything but the stage as Val started to slide those barely-there panties off her ass, the pole between the twin cheeks. She slid up and down the pole a few times suggestively, making the other two men at my table hiss, before she stepped out of the panties and threw them towards the dressing room.

She turned, gyrating provocatively on the pole without climbing on. She did this routine sometimes when she was tired or had a sore muscle. It was easy enough on her and meant she had to put little exertion into what was still a good show. She mouthed the words to the song as she pushed her breasts around the pole and slid down to the floor, all but humping the floor as she did so.

“God damn, she’s killing my dick,” Cameron groaned, sitting forward a little more, adjusting himself in his jeans.

“You’re not the only one,” Diesel muttered, but we both heard him.

My left eyebrow arched, and my lips twisted with mirth. “Got it bad for your sister don’t ya kid?”

“Fuck off, you know she’s my stepsister. Not my real sister,” Diesel protested, giving me the finger. I’d let it slide since I had just goaded him into that exact reaction.

“Would you really fuck her if she gave you the chance?” I asked Diesel but both men answered.

“In a heartbeat,” Diesel answered breathlessly as he watched Val pull the babydoll off and sprawl out, totally naked on the stage now.

“Fuck yes,” Cameron said at the same time.